The Butterfly Estate

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I woke up the next day feeling very exhausted, because of my overflowing thoughts about the sleepover kept me up all night. I was restless, all I could think about was how beautiful Nezuko-chan was and her beautiful pink eyes, the deeper I looked into them the more I got lost. I wanted to stare into them forever. I yawned and rubbed my eyes before getting up to brush my teeth and taking a shower. After that it was time to decide what to wear.

Should I wear a short sleeve shirt, no, I have to pick something that'll look good to impress Nezuko-chan!! Hmm.... I think I'll wear this. I ended up settling with a casual yellow hoodie with a white triangle pattern on it along with a pair of black jeans. I looked at the time, 1:35pm. Okay I still have about an hour until I should get going. Well then, let's fix this hair. I grabbed my phone and began looking up cool hairstyles, I scrolled frantically to find the perfect one! I tried slicking my hair back like Tanjirou, I tried hair pins, heck! I even tried a man bun! But they all looked weird on me, I was so stressed out about it for so long I realized I had wasted 2 hours! Shit!! I lost track of time! I quickly fixed my hair to go back to my natural style, packed my bags and sprinted out of my house.


The closer I got to my destination the more nervous I got. I was sweating like crazy and my heart was about to beat out of my chest!

Get a hold of yourself Zenitsu! It's only a sleepover with Nezuko-chan!

Y-Yup. Just a s-sleepover WITH NEZUKO-CHAN!!

The more I tried to calm myself down the worse my anxiety got!! My cheeks were already bright red! I decided to take a small break from walking, I took a deep breath and looked at the scenery, tall trees, wisteria, and butterflies fluttering about, and a bunch of flowers! Then I noticed some stunning dandelions. These would be perfect for her!! I thought as I grabbed some of them. I inhaled the fresh air and continued on my journey.

I finally made it to the Butterfly Estate! Now All I had to do was knock. That doesn't seem hard right?

Well it was hard.

I stood there trembling, I was sweating buckets!! I sighed and extended my hand to knock and,

Knock, knock knock.

I waited nervously, until I heard the sound of someone walking. Okay here we go!

The door opened.

"Oh hi Zenitsu-kun!! I'm glad you could make it!" I heard her song-like voice say.

What stood in front of me was Nezuko-chan, in casual clothing, she was wearing a striped pink and white sweater along with jeggings. It was such a different look from her school uniform! She looked really cute in that outfit, it made me nervous.

My face glowed a crimson hue,

"A-ah hi Nezuko-chan! Thanks f-for inviting me." I blurted with a shaky voice, "Um.... t-this is for y-you!" I pulled out the bouquet of dandelions that I got and handed it to her while trembling, "I h-hope l-like them."

Nezuko-chan blushed and smiled, "O-oh, You didn't have to Zenitsu-kun!" She replied a bit flustered.

"I did have to"


"Th-this was my way of thanking you for, y-you know. Th-the nosebleed." I reassured her still while avoiding eye contact.

Nezuko-chan's cheeks flared up a bit more, "Thank you Zenitsu-kun. You know, you really are like a dandelion,"

I blushed.

"Bright and welcoming," She continued,

"Just like the sun."

After hearing those words, I stood there, absolutely stunned. I didn't know what to say or do. Our eyes locked with each other once again, I stared into her mesmerizing eyes and began to feel calm, at peace. I felt bubbly inside, I wanted to reach out and hold her tight, and never let go. Will protect her.

Nezuko-chan chuckled,

"Ha ha! Don't just stand there silly! Come inside!!!"

I snapped back to reality.

"GYAH!! Yeah, Yeah! S-sorry I'll come in-inside!"

This was gonna be one crazy sleepover.

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