The Sleepwalker Incident

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Request: "U should either make a chapter where inosuke and aoi finally get together, maybe nezukos reaction to zenitsu being injured(like breaking a bone or something like that)" ~ blindkags

Okay okay! So I originally was going to do just one, but then I got an idea sooo I hope you like what I did with your request!

Also, sorry this chapter took so long to come out, things were SUPER busy and for like two days my ideas just oofed so I wasn't able to write lmao.


I'm surprised you guys really love my writing THAT much! Like sometimes I think "Ew gross this sucks ass." But then you guys flood me with love and comments telling me the complete opposite! THANK YOU SO MUCHHH AHHHH YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY OTHER THAN:

Be ready for a surprise at the end to thank you for everything!! I spent a lot of time of it so I hope you like it and this chapter! <3

Tanjirou's POV: sure is a quiet night.

Working on a school assignment in silence seemed to be making me more tired. I heaved a heavy sigh, feeling that heaviness in my eyelids. "You know what," I yawned, "maybe a ice cold glass of water will help me stay awake." I got up from my desk and walked out into the dark hallway, it was the middle of the night so I wasn't expecting to see anyone, let alone the scene in front of me:

Messy, golden hair, classic Butterfly Estate pajamas, snoring and drooling. I observed as Zenitsu wobbled past me with his eyes closed, dragging his pillow behind him. Like many times, at first sight I thought he might've been possessed or something, it only took a couple seconds to realize he was sleepwalking.

"Thunder mmhh.... Breathing....." He mumbled as he continued to stumble down the dim hallway to the stair leading down to the main floor. "First Form...."

I snickered a bit and raised one of my eyebrows. "The heck is he dreaming about?"

"Heh Heh...." I jumped, startled at another sound coming from behind, I turned around to see Inosuke creeping towards Zenitsu with a mischievous grin painted on his face.

Oh no....

"Inosuke!" I whispered sternly as I quietly rushed over to him, "Don't you dare do what I think you're gonna do...."

He just laughed and smirked even more, "Oh, yeah, I'm doing exactly that." The sinister tone in his voice told me he was serious. I immediately tried to convince him not to do what he had planned.

"Inosuke, that's a terrible idea! You shouldn't scare him!" I grabbed him by the arm to stop him but before I could Inosuke ran towards Zenitsu who was still fast asleep.

Inosuke rolled his eyes, "Why not?! It'll be fun!" He ignored my warning and pursued his objective. "That sleep-idiot will be fine, the worst he could do is scream or cry!"

I instantly went into 'mom friend mode.' I couldn't let Inosuke disturb Zenitsu from his sleep, plus who knows what'll happen? It's not good to wake a sleepwalker. It was also almost midnight, we shouldn't be doing something that can turn into a huge mess, so I ran after him.

"Inosuke, no! Stop it!" I was too late, Inosuke had already made it to his victim, like a vicious predator he stood behind his prey, his hands held up, as if he was ready to pounce and attack.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now