The Perfect Present

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I shot out of bed and immediately went into the kitchen to start making her surprise. I struggled a bit because it was something that I was not that good at, but it turned out better than expected.

Soon enough everyone else woke up. All of us hid in the living room and waited for Nezuko-chan to come downstairs. I used my good hearing to warn Tanjirou and Inosuke when she was coming,

"Shhh!! Guys, she just walked out of her room. She'll be here any second!"

Inosuke and Tanjirou both became quiet and the room went dead silent. I listened as came down the stairs,

"Hm? It looks like I'm the only one awake..." Nezuko-chan said to herself as she walked into the living room to see if anyone was in there,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" We all screamed as we leapt out of hiding spots, Nezuko-chan's eyes widened when she looked around at us and all the decorations,

"Awwww~!" Nezuko-chan giggled, "Thank you!! You guys are the best!!"

All of us ran up to her and embraced her in a group hug. We celebrated with games and treats, eventually it was time for her to open her presents. I sat there nervously waiting for my turn. First went Tanjirou, then Inosuke, and finally me. I sat down next to Nezuko-chan, my heart fluttering,

"I m-made you these!" I exclaimed with a shaky voice, I handed her my second surprise first, I was a box full of homemade brownies I had baked,

"I-I used what y-you taught me a-and one of the cookbooks you had t-to make them!"

Nezuko-chan smiled, "Wow! They look really good!!" She looked me in my eyes, "So that's why you smell extra good!"

My heart skipped a beat, I blushed

Extra good? So she thinks I normally smell good?! Oh my God!!

"O-Oh thanks!" I replied. Nezuko-chan took at bite of one of the brownies,

"Mhmm~! You did a good job!! These are really tasty!" My face lit up,

"Really? Thanks!!" I smiled, "I made extras so that everyone could have some."

Hearing this, Inosuke ran out of the room and went straight for the kitchen. We all laughed. Then I remembered that I still didn't give her the other gift I had,

"Oh! I-I got this for you too!" I handed her the small box, Nezuko-chan looked at the heart I had drawn around her name, her cheeks flushed a red color which made me a bit nervous. She removed the bow and opened the box, inside was a silver bracelet with the same dandelion charm on it, just like the keychain she gave me.

"Now we match!" I gushed, "And whenever I'm not around, you'll have this to remind you of me."

Nezuko-chain stared at the bracelet with a smile, but then all of a sudden her eyes filled with tears. I panicked,

"AHH! Wh-What's wrong?! Did I-I do something b-bad?" Nezuko-chan shook her head. With tears streaming down her face, she leapt towards me giving me a tight hug,

"Words cannot express how much I love this!!" She put her hand on my cheek, "This makes me so happy!"

I hugged her too, "You're welcome! I-I'm glad you like it!!" Nezuko-chan pulled away and held out her arm,

"Can you put it on for me?"

I giggled, "Yeah sure!" I took the bracelet, grasped her hand, and began to put in on her wrist. After I finished, still holding her hand I looked back at her and smiled. I glanced back at her hand, I gave it a little squeeze. Then without thinking I closed my eyes, bent down and gently kissed the back of her hand. It was what my heart told me to do, but once I snapped out of that trance my whole face exploded in a bright red hue. I looked away,

"Ah! I-I'm sorry! I d-don't know why I-I did that...."

Nezuko-chan blushed, "It's okay....there's no need to say sorry."

I turned back around. She put her hand on the side of my face again, she looked into my eyes. Then Nezuko-chan leaned toward me and tenderly placed her lips on my cheek in a loving kiss. My face started to burn up at again, Nezuko-chan grabbed my hand,

"There! Now we're even." I ran my fingers through my hair,

"Y-Yeah....I guess we are."

Then Nezuko-chan reached out again and embraced me in a warm hug, she tightened her grip,

"Thank you for the presents Zenitsu-kun."

I wrapped my arms around her too, "You're welcome."

Meanwhile, Tanjirou was still in the room observing everything. He smiled to himself,

"I'm glad Nezuko was able to find someone as kind as Zenitsu...."

Tanjirou had mumbled that to himself, but because of my ears I could still hear him. A part of me thinks he did that on purpose. I hugged her more,

Thanks for trusting me Tanjirou. 

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