My Decision

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Christmas break came to an end, it was now February and the school year was slowly coming to a close. I quickly woke up and got ready to leave my house.

I walked past the school gates and sat down on a bench waiting for Tanjirou and Inosuke. To be honest I was basically half asleep, but I soon was wide awake when I saw who was in front of me.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem tired." Nezuko-chan tilted her head, she was suddenly face to face with me, her being this close to me out of nowhere made nervous,

"Ah! I-I'm okay, I j-just didn't sleep w-well..." I stuttered pathetically. Nezuko-chan frowned,

"That's not good. Why didn't you sleep well?"

My cheeks started to burn up when she asked me that, I couldn't just tell her that she was keeping me up at night! That would definitely creep her out!! I averted my gaze,

"Uhhhh, a nightmare....?"

Nezuko-chan grabbed my hand, "Oh, I'm sorry." Then all of a sudden the bell rang for first period. Nezuko-chan gave my hand a little squeeze, "Well, I hope you get some rest tonight." She waved as she walked away, "See you later Zenitsu-kun!"

I looked down at my hand, the warmth of her grasp was still there. I smiled as I walked off to class.

I sat in class not really paying attention to the boring lecture the teacher was giving us. My interest did peak though when the teacher started to hand out something to everyone. When it finally got to me my heart skipped a beat, it was a flier for Valentine's Day. This Friday. The more I stared at the flier, the more panicky I got,

Shit! Since when was Valentine's Day this Friday!? How did I forget?

Then an idea was formed in my head, Wait a minute, if Valentine's Day is on Friday......maybe I could ask out Nezuko-chan....!

I thought about it for a split second and then immediately started to overthink everything.

No! No! No! What am I saying?! She probably doesn't even like me like that!!

She probably thinks of me as a friend, nothing more!

We did almost kiss for real, but what if that was just my imagination?

What if she was just leading me on?

What if this was all just a big dream?!

Wait a minute, does that mean I'm dreaming right now??

Holy shit what if-

"Zenitsu! Are you listening??"

I jolted out of my mind, "AHH!" All of the eyes in the room turned to look at me. My face turned red from embarrassment,

"S-Sorry, I wasn't l-listening...." I quickly shoved the flier into my pocket,

The teacher sighed and went back to lecturing us. Even after that awkward moment was over, I could still feel my classmates staring at me from behind.


Eventually lunch came, I sat at the lunch table with Tanjirou and Inosuke. Tanjirou could tell that something was off with me.

"Zenitsu are you okay? You've been staring at your food again...."

I sighed. Just then Inosuke decided to chime in,

"Could it be because of," He moved his eyebrows up and down, "Valentine's Day~?"

My face blew up in a crimson hue, Inosuke laughed,

"You should ask her out!" I looked away,

"I-I can't do th-that.....she probably d-doesn't even l-like me."

Tanjirou and Inosuke both squinted their eyes and stared at me with utter disbelief. Inosuke facepalmed and sighed,

"So....If what I'm hearing is correct, you.....think she doesn't like you?!" He snapped, "You f@#king KISSED her dipshit!!"

I turned to face them both, "Y-Yeah I know, but th-that was an a-accident!" Tanjirou placed his hand on my shoulder,

"I think you got a chance."


Tanjirou smiled, "Afterall she did kiss you on the cheek, she doesn't do that often. Plus she really likes the bracelet you got her!" Inosuke joined in,

"Yeah dude! You should at least try!!" He said, "If I were you I'd do it now, it's almost the end of the year!" Both of them reassured me and gave me a thumbs up. They supported me, cheered me up. I smiled,

"Thanks, you guys. I'll think about it."


I got back home and put my backpack down and just stood in the middle of my room, thinking about what my friends had said to me. Inosuke was right, it was almost the end of the school year. I had to make a decision. I took the flier out of my pocket and studied it, I clenched my fist,

I won't hesitate anymore.

I looked over the calendar in my room. Then I took a red marker and circled the 14th, Valentine's Day. I made up my mind,

No more waiting! I'm going to ask her out!!

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