Perfect Love

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It was Monday and for some reason I woke up in a bad mood, or as I like to call it: I was having a cloudy day, where the sunshine struggles to shine through the dark.

Have you ever had one of those days?

One of those days when you're just sad for no reason? When you can't stop thinking about gloomy things? When everything just seems to go wrong?

I'm sure everybody does sometimes. It doesn't happen to me often but it does, it's not good. I start thinking about my past, when I used to roam the streets, my face and clothes dirty, trying to find a home, all alone with no one to call family. Of course I don't want to think about those dark times, but sometimes I just can't help it, it clouds my mind like a rainy day that won't die down. Thankfully I have amazing friends and a wonderful girlfriend that takes care of me whenever I'm feeling down.

I know I'm not the only one that has this problem too, Tanjirou and Nezuko-chan definitely have moments like this, considering their whole family was slaughtered. Although they don't like to show it, especially Tanjirou. They hide it so others don't have to worry about them, keeping a smile on their faces.

I can tell when they're hurting though, because their sound changes, it becomes less cheery and more mournful, I'm sure Inosuke can tell too because of his great senses. I never would want them to be upset, Tanjirou is one of my best friends, and Nezuko-chan, well you know the answer to that, I love her to the moon and back, she means the world to me. So, I do my best to cheer both of them up when they need it.

I know the best ways to comfort them, because I feel them. Obviously I don't know the terrible pain of seeing your whole family, dead in a bloody massacre right in front of you, and to have your sister be the only one to survive, barely. But I do know the feeling of the unbearable heartache we call being alone.

And though it might seem a bit weird, Inosuke has had these days too, it's VERY rare though. Knowing him and his personality, it's really strange to see him down in the dumps, his cocky attitude and his aggressive ways completely fade away and he becomes gentle, not talking as much, it's super quiet around the Butterfly Estate when he's like this. To be honest, Inosuke can be sort of a pain sometimes, with his chaotic energy never dying down and him pulling pranks on me,


Despite the fact that we always bicker and don't get along all the time, he's still my best friend and he tries his hardest!! I still love hanging out with him, much like I do with Tanjirou, I care about him and his well being so I do all that I can to make him feel better!

Like I said, I don't usually have these days often, and when I do they aren't good, but they also aren't bad to the point where I'll be extremely sad and cry all day. For the most part they're like: 'Oh, I'm kinda sad today' Or, 'I'm a bit upset, I'll be okay later.' Something like that, you know? But this time was different, unlike any other day I've had like this I felt extra bad, like instead of an ordinary rainy day it was a whole downpour, with grey clouds and all. I don't know why I was feeling like this, I had no reason to be this upset.

I sighed,

Maybe I'm just tired.........well it is Monday.

I'll be fine.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I got out of bed to get ready for school. I tried to just ignore the rain clouds in my mind, it would go away eventually like usual. I didn't need to feel down right now, I needed to get to school! And I guess I was right,

"Zenitsu hurry up! We'll be late for school!!" I heard Tanjirou's voice echo through the house.

"I'm coming!!"

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