Falling for You

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"Ah! N-Nothing!"

"Oh, okay then!" She smiled as she walked towards me, my heart started to flutter even more as she got closer. Nezuko-chan seemed like she had calmed down unlike me who was still a hot mess. I avoided eye contact while she stuck the bandage on my cheek, her face was so close to mine!! Nezuko-chan giggled at the sight of me freaking out,

"Why are you so jittery?" She tilted her head,

I exhaled, "I-It's just because-" I looked into her eyes, my heart skipped a beat. "Ne-Nevermind...." I stammered as I averted my gaze. Nezuko-chan was very puzzled, one second I was acting normal and then the next I was a flustered wreck. To be honest I was really confused too, as well as frustrated. Why can't I act normal around her?! Nezuko-chan finished and stepped back,

"There! You're all set!"

I looked back at her and saw her cute smile, I don't know what it is, but something about her smile always seems to calm me down. The butterflies in my stomach disappeared, I touched the bandage and smiled too,

"Th-Thank you."

Nezuko-chan slicked her hair behind her ear, "No problem! It's the least I could do!" I turned around,

"Well, I should probably get going-" I started to say but stopped when I felt Nezuko-chan tug on my sleeve,

"Wait!" I turned around to see what was wrong. Nezuko-chan blushed a little and let go off me,

"Uh I mean, I-It's kinda lonely here by my-myself so..... I was wondering if you c-could stay longer...." My eyes widened when I noticed her crimson tinted cheeks. Nezuko-chan looked away embarrassed,

"What am I saying? Y-You're probably busy, nevermind you d-don't have to stay, I-I just thought-"

I grabbed her hand, "I-It's okay. I'll stay." Nezuko-chan's face lit up, she ran up to me and gave me a big hug,

"Yay! Thank you so much!!"

The warm sensation inside me traveled up to my cheeks in a bright red hue. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back, I smiled,

"You're welcome." We stayed there hugging for a while, both of us wanted to stay like this but we couldn't forever.

We hung out for hours, talking, playing games, everything! Hanging out with her was one of the enjoyable things in the world, my heart was dancing in my chest!

All of the sudden I remembered something,

"Aw crap!! I forgot all about my homework!" I groaned, Nezuko-chan took her hand and grabbed mine,

"I have some homework too, so let's do it together!" She gushed with excitement, I grabbed my backpack and smiled,

"Sure!" We both sat down on the ground and got all of our stuff that we needed, Nezuko-chan even got snacks for us to eat. While we were working Nezuko-chan realized she needed another textbook, she stood up,

"Hold on I'll be right back, I forgot a textbook in my room."

I nodded my head and said "Okay." and continued to work. What happened next is something I will never forget.

A few moments later Nezuko-chan cheerfully came back with her textbook in her hands, "Zenitsu-kun! I'm back!!" She happily exclaimed, I looked up and smiled,

"I got the-" Nezuko-chan started to say, but then she accidently over one of my books, my smile transformed into fear.

"GYAAHH!!" We both screamed at the same time.


"Owww!!" I cried, I opened my eyes. My heart rate shot through the roof when I saw what happened. Nezuko-chan had landed on me, she was on top of me in a similar position from when she was hugging me in her sleep. Blush consumed my entire face, I was panicking. Her being this close to me made me flustered to the max! I could feel her heartbeat close to mine.

"Ouchh...!" Nezuko-chan groaned as she slowly got up, she looked at me who was on the brink of passing out and was very confused, she looked down and saw where she ended up landing. Just like me, her whole face turned red,

"AHH! I'm s-sorry! I didn't mean to f-fall on you!"

Her face was right in front of mine just like in that dream, My face was burning up and I could feel myself starting to faint, I opened my mouth to speak,


Nezuko-chan looked at me with a concerned expression, "Y-Yes?!"

"......H-Hurry.....get me.....water be-before.....I p-pass....out...."

Nezuko-chan jumped up and sprinted out of the room, "O-Okay!" Sadly by the time she came back with the water I had already fainted. Nezuko-chan sighed,

"Welp, here we go again....."

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