Sakelicious Lovebirds

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I have returned from the dark abyss, my lovely readers!! I know it's been a long time but I hope you didn't forget about me 'cause I sure didn't!

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I have returned from the dark abyss, my lovely readers!! I know it's been a long time but I hope you didn't forget about me 'cause I sure didn't!

I was gone due to the fact I was so busy drawing things all the time, I couldn't find time to write! I struggled to find motivation or inspiration, but I finally wrapped something together! So here it is! Thank you for waiting.

Request: "We need one where Zenitsu accidentally gets drunk, that would be probably chaotic and cute" ~spacetypetrainer

Instead of just Zenitsu getting drunk I decided to have Nezuko join in too. Along with that I took some other ideas about a timeskip when they're out of high school, things about their upcoming wedding, and of course a bit of spicy action. Sadly I can't find who said these requests because I have so many chapters lmao.


Nezuko's POV:

Do you ever look at where you are, only to realize how long it's been? So many changes have occurred, such a big quantity you can't explain without rambling on and on? Well, I've been all over the place, even I haven't fully come to terms with things myself. This same little monologue and self reflection goes around in my head like a train every morning, just like today.

In the kitchen, I stood slouched over on the island in the middle of the floor. My lips perked as I lifted my tea cup to my mouth, taking a few sips of the warm, soul cleansing, earthy beverage. With a satisfied exhale I gently placed my cup down on the island, tucking my raven black hair behind my ear when suddenly a glimmer on my hand caught my eye. I looked to where my hands rested near my drink, face down on the counter. My left hand— my old heart shaped knot ring was gone. Replaced. A dazzling rose gold ring took its place. It had a silver gem on it's center, so eye-blindingly beautiful it shined as if it was a crystal star from space. On both sides of the gem were little flowers, four in total. They were the same hue as the blush spreading across my cheeks when reality came crashing into view. This wasn't any old ring.

This is my engagement ring.

The ring Zenitsu-san proposed to me with.

For real.

I almost choked on my own spit after that fact slapped me hard in the face for the tenth time in the past day or two. It all doesn't seem real to me. None of it. Zenitsu-san? Me? Engaged? It can't be. It still feels like we're dumb teenagers, girlfriend and boyfriend kissing and giggling. Yet the 16 year old I fell for is now 24. I'm 22. Adults soon to be married.

Insane, right? I can't fathom it.

All of us still live in the Butterfly Estate, but also sometimes transition to living in my old house, where Tanjirou and I grew up. We're trying to get a feel for what we like best.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now