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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡

"𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵?"

Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Y/n told Levi everything she knew, and the world she came from

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Y/n told Levi everything she knew, and the world she came from. At first, he couldn't comprehend it. The longer he listened to her, to the world she came from, the longer he felt bewildered, as if he's listening to children's stories that always put them to sleep.

A dreamlike world, no walls, no Titans, and everyone could go to a place they want to go. Buildings that mostly constructed in a rectangular shape, and even the family she had in her world. And more different varieties of teas he could think of and could drink them all.

It made Levi smiles. That's right. He's smiling in front of her. Perhaps smile wasn't the correct word for it—the top row of teeth was showing, and there was a faint curve to the lips, but there was no crease below the eyes, no movement of the cheeks. On anyone else, it would be a grimace. On this face, however, it was a sign of bliss.

And at that moment, they have forgotten about being a Scout. They have forgotten about Dino and the problems they had in mind. Everything else seems to fade away and create a world for the two of them.

Just for them and no one else.

It made Y/n babble more about the things that made Levi smile, the sweetness of her voice combining with her laughs. He swears to God, he wouldn't want to end it. However,
He couldn't help to glimpse the sadness in her eyes, his heart fell.

He tried to brush it off, but the happiness in her voice, the smile on her face. However, he can't do it. Levi wraps his arms around her. Y/n stops talking after his sudden action, then she returns the hug tightly. After knowing, this might be their last conversation.

And before they knew it, two days had passed.

Y/n pinch the bottom of her lip, walking back and forth near the windows as open books scattered around the floor to satisfy her boredom.

Eyebrows have furrowed for such a long time, couples of lines have marked the glabella. While Levi leaning against the door, arms clasped together against his chest, was watching her pacing.

"We need to go back. Probably Dino is smart enough not to attend to your invitation." He said, walking towards Y/n.

She abruptly stops, glancing at the window. It's getting dark again. With the setting sun came a sky of fire, the orange of every wintry hearth. He is right, silence keeps lingering in the mansion. Too peaceful for an incoming fight.

She clicks her tongue, "Son of a bitch." mumbles under her breath.

"One more night." Turns around to see Levi standing in front of her.

"No. You said if we won't come back within two days shows we're dead."


He put his hand on her shoulder, "They might believe we're dead."

Her breath hitches at the thought of it. When will he arrive? How many are they? What can happen in the fight? And what happens after the fight? Questions insides her head made her neglect the things she said before to them. Perhaps right now, Aldman resisting Elias to come after them. And she's admiring him after restraining him until now.

Removing his hand, "And besides, I need you to tell Erwin what you told me."

"I know." She glances down, and as much as Levi also wants to meet Dino. They can't idle inside a mansion owns by a dead senior woman. Pound her fist on the table, clenching her jaw.

"Relax Y/n." He puts his hand to her cheek, snapping his brows looking at her. However, Y/n didn't pay attention as her eyes looking at the ground.

Her problem with Dino might be already over if he simply came. But he rejects her invitation when Y/n knew how much Dino craves her head. What could have appeared inside Dino's mind? She simply wishes Elias did his job well.

"Look into my eyes Y/n." He said in a stern voice as if a demanding order. Obeying his orders, she gazes at his eyes, "We'll get to him. You have me."

Levi falling in love with her, it's the simple part; it's admitting to himself that it happened, that's hard. After keeping defenses for so long, he has forgotten the feeling of affection. Perhaps, he guesses it meant them for others but she had her own door. Levi could ask why, but what's the point?

She smiles as she inhales. There's something about Levi that his simple words can make her calm down. Levi leans in, kissing her soft lips. He could never tire of her lips brushing against his. The feel of them sends his mind into a sensual state of intoxication.

Y/n's hand clenches his hand on her cheek, returning the kiss.

His other hand crawls to her hair, gripping it tight between his fingers as he pulls away from the kiss. Pulling her hair downward, Y/n squints her eyes at the intense pain at the roots of her hair. Levi's lips went to her jaw, trickling down to her collarbone, leaving a wet trail. Y/n bit the bottom of her lip. He bites her skin, leaving a mark as she softly moans.

Levi pulls away and removes his hands, "Come on, we'll leave right now before I couldn't resist myself again."

Y/n could feel her cheek heat as Levi turns around, walking towards the door. She didn't prepare for such intensity, though she should have been. Everything about Levi Ackerman was potent.

"Are you going or not?" Y/n stomps her feet, attempting not to smile. They left the mansion and gallop back to the headquarters.


Oh my! Now I adore writing some kissing scenes. I should have done it in the past chapters. Lol.

And since this chapter is short, I have a gift for you guys! And staying in my story for a long time!

I present to you! Your boy, Elias! Since their Scout uniform is difficult to draw, so I didn't draw it

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I present to you! Your boy, Elias! Since their Scout uniform is difficult to draw, so I didn't draw it. (◠‿・)—☆

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