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"𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘦."


Elias took things on his own, he knows if he is going to ask Y/n

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Elias took things on his own, he knows if he is going to ask Y/n. No explanations or clues he can find. Elias can feel it, there is something more that happened.

 Inside the room together with Levi, Erwin, and Y/n. he knows her. Something also stunned her. She couldn't answer properly to Levi and Erwin's questions, even if Levi is holding her collar.

But he didn't step up, snapped his brows, and arm crossed in his chest. But if only Elias didn't hear what that guy said earlier. He might punch Levi even if Commander Erwin is present inside the room.

He truly cares for her for the five years they have been together. Despite her mannerisms, words she uses regularly, and voice tone changed. That didn't stop him from protecting her, not until now.

The next day, Erwin ordered Levi's squad to return to the old Headquarters. Still, the two haven't spoken to each other, Levi did notice but decided not to interfere. After all, it isn't his job.

And when they reach the old Headquarters, and Levi instructs the Squad to clean it. The two did exchange words, however, they only ask. "How's your head?" And "Is your calve still hurts?" Nothing more.

Y/n also notice Elias's behavior but concluded not to ask, as she thinks about the letter Ms. Eschen gave to her. The thought about the blood exchange couldn't erase in her mind.

Especially when she wonders what Lovise's father truly committed to calling it in such length.

Did more Ackermans live that didn't reveal in the series? And even if Klaus Carter finds an Ackermans and gains its blood, what happened next? Considering there is a time when there is an obliteration of the Ackermans. Then what if Klaus Carter encounters either Levi's mother or Mikasa's father?

These questions fill Y/n thoughts as she attempts to discarding them by cleaning. However, it utterly failed.

After a long day, it reaches night. Eren is in his cellar sleeping. The three men are doing their lookout. Levi was kind enough to let the Y/n and Elias rest early, considering it hasn't been a week to let their injuries heal.

But Y/ roam the headquarters considering she can't sleep because of the loud thoughts. She stumbles upon an open door and lights flickering inside the room.

She walks towards it and glimpses inside to see Levi sitting as he sips his tea while Petra sitting next to him as her eyes wander the room.

Y/n might be in denial if she lied about not feeling slight envy towards Petra.

She and Petra have an opposite attitude, a warmhearted and easy to approach Petra and Y/n a coldhearted and quiet.

Still, this is she wants people to perceive her, inside her facade is a scared and an overthinker.

Y/n didn't want to interfere and choose to go to the terrace, but stops when Petra speaks the name of the person she is portraying.

"Lovise, she's quite a mysterious person." She heard Petra speaks. Levi didn't respond.

Leaning her back against the wall listening to their conversation.

"Remember, when we discovered a notebook in Titan's territory. She is relaxed the whole time, even when Oluo was about to get eaten." Petra grins. 

Y/n leaves as the conversation proceeding nowhere and determined to not wait for Levi's response.

"Ah-I even wonder," Levi admitted as he sips his tea.

Y/n reaches the terrace and sees the large moon glowing through the night skies. To Y/n the night holds a special blackness, the kind that wants only to keep the stars and encourage them to glow all the brighter.

It's a warm black that engulfs her no matter how cold the surrounding, and within its safety, she could feel her soul all the more clearly, that innocent inborn spark.

Raising her chin to breathe the chilly breeze while her black sways in the air. Then, letting out the air slowly.

Y/n never tires of seeing the skies because of its modest grace, and it's the only thing that can calm her down.

"Tell me."

 Y/n turns around to see Levi looking at her while standing in the doorway. Levi must have seen her glimpsing at them.

"Tell you what?" Ask Y/n as she stands at the edge.

"Are you deaf? What's on your mind." Levi clarifies as he approaches her. His expression holds no anger, but a relaxed expression that rarely can be seen.

Y/n shifts her eyes to look at the large moon again. "What if I told you that there's another universe where Titan doesn't exist?" She said with a sad smile. Y/n truly misses her family in her world and when every time she thinks about it-waves of sadness crashing into her.

"Only a weak-minded person daydreaming of unrealistic things. But, if that's how you cope with things, I won't interfere." Said Levi as he leans at the stone barrier whilst crossing his arms.

"Still, there is a famine and conflict. I prefer it." Y/n gave a bitter laugh. Levi senses the spreading of grief coming from the woman beside him that is tempting to hold her.

This is what Levi adores from Y/n, as she didn't talk about how is your day. She talks about the things that left you to wonder.

"Aren't you intimidate by me?" He asks in a flat tone. And yet, worried about what kind of answer he'll receive.

She looked at him long and hard, but all Y/n saw a broken man by years of tragedy and pain, forced to do the unimaginable just to survive.

"No." She answers without thinking.

Levi's eyes widen, hearing the answer to the question that on his mind lately. Staring at the ground while he couldn't understand why, his heart fluttering for a simple answer.

"I see." He answered.

Whenever Y/n beside him, he can feel the comfort he longed for. And somehow, Y/n feels the same. A feeling of connection that draws them both together.

For them, it's fine to not exchange words since the only thing that matters is for them to each other side.

"I know all about you." Y/n continues in a soothing tone. She forgot about the letter that is preventing her from calming.

Levi glance at her seeing Y/n staring at the large moon. Her eyes glazed in the moonlight, causing her to look more endearing to his eyes. He could not understand what she means. He never talks about his past, so could she know about it?

While they enjoying each other's presence. Little did they know, someone is listening to their conversation.

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