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𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤

"𝘐𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵." 

― Andre Gide, Autumn Leaves

Intentionally letting Annie hear it

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Intentionally letting Annie hear it. Elias and Levi raised their brows as they bewilderedly looked at her.

"What?!" Olou yells, glaring back at her. Angrily thinking she purposely jeopardized the Squad. 

What's the use of covering their faces if Y/n is shouted Eren's name? He thought.

Everyone is glaring back at her, except for Levi and Elias as they calmly look ahead. Believing in what Y/n had in mind.

As soon as Annie hears the name. Instantly she rapidly runs towards them, her eyes glistening with hope. Annie is 8 feet away from Y/n since she in the Squad's rear.

"Damn it" Oluo mumbles, scared of the Female Titan coming close and slightly blaming Y/n.

"Captain!" Petra shouts, tightly gripping the reins. "Switch to vertical maneuver?!" Levi peeks at her as then looking ahead, ignoring Petra.

Petra gritted her teeth as she looked back at Y/n snapping her brows. Angered because Y/n shouts to make the Female Titan run after them. The Squads see male and female Scouts swings behind the Female Titan.

"Reinforcement from behind!" Petra informs Levi as he peeks behind.

The two fired their grapple hooks at the nape, pulling the trigger to get near and putting both blades at the side, ready to slash the nape. 

But Annie uses her right hand to cover her nape. As soon as the male Scouts get nears, Annie uses her back to push him into the trees, his body squeezes into smithereens. Then, she easily grabs the female as she smashes her into trees.

Their faces darkened, witnessing the entire scene while Y/n didn't even seem to faze.

"Eren! Go in front!" Y/n continues but Eren is having a second thought seeing Y/n staring in Elias, snapping her brows, and sees no terror in her face.

The Squad turns their gaze to see Elias whacking the brown rein as he gallops in front of Levi, slowly Levi understanding what Y/n is trying to do. For him, it's the only strategy they have if Erwin's plan for capturing the Titan didn't work.

"Protect Eren!" Levi shouts, using the tip of his blade to point at Elias. Levi couldn't help but smile inside at how clever Y/n can be while the Squad still couldn't understand what the three were trying to perform. 

Then, Y/n gallops at Eren's side. Eren turns his head to gaze at her eyes seeking an answer.

"Elias! Hurry!" Eren rose his brows seeing Y/n wink at him. Eren understands what Y/n is trying to do, she is using Elias to pretend to be Eren. 

Still, he couldn't believe Elias would willingly do such a risky thing. Petra and the others widen their eyes as they understand, whacking their reins to move behind Elias while Eren and Y/n stay behind.

"Now, let's see how things would turn out," Y/n mutters, peeking behind.

Another Squad came rushing to the Female Titans but Annie easily killed them. Then she lowered herself as she leaped forward.

Y/n is ready if anything changes since they left Karanes District, constantly gazing at every view so seeing Annie doing what she's not supposed to do would be a piece of cake for Y/n.

Quickly, Y/n stands at the top of Zeus as she pulls the trigger and grabs Eren, and flies towards Levi, Annie smashes Zeus by her foot. She squeezes her eyes shut after witnessing Zeus turn into smithereens.

"Fuck!" Levi worriedly yells as he sees her above them. Elias keeps pressing his lips into a thin line to prevent him from shouting. He can't blow Eren's cover, and since this is her plan.

Another Squad comes rushing, and Annie grabs the wires and smashes them into the trees. Even if Eren saw nothing, he could hear the screams of each scout as one by one they were being smashed to the trees. 

Bone cracking while blood scattered everywhere causing, Eren trying to peek behind but Y/n sternly said. 

"Try nothing." Her voice was calm and yet it sent shivers to his spine causing him to stop moving within Y/n grasp.

Y/n looks behind and sees Annie fixated on Elias as she continues to run, feeling relieved her little plan worked.

"Give us your orders!" Oluo demands, while the others staring above where Y/n is.

Levi is getting irritated at how risky Y/n is even so. He couldn't help to worry.

"Tch, everyone cover your ears!" Levi fires a sound grenade, causing everyone to shut their eyes as the loud bang stings their ears. Also, it served as a signal for Y/n to drop Eren behind Levi. Y/n continues to swing forward, Levi snapped his brow while looking at her.

Annie dashed forward causing everyone to panic, Y/n turned her body to face Annie, while she continued to fly onward, Y/n and Annie to stare eye to eye. As if Y/n is telling Annie she is up for the challenge.

"After this, I'll smack her head," Elias mumbles as he sees Y/n flying above.

"Full speed ahead!" Levi ordered. "we'll get away!" Worried for Y/n safety.

Annie extended her arm trying to grab Y/n, Elias tightly gripping his hand gear ready to ignore the plan and save her. Annie's hands get nearer and nearer to Y/n and yet she doesn't move at all and continues to stare her in the eye.

Suddenly, full of barrels pointing in their direction, Y/n quickly pulls the trigger and swings away to move out.

"Fire!" Erwin announces, they can hear a continuous loud bang as the place filled with white smoke.

Y/n swings towards Levi. She couldn't help but smile as they reach Erwin. Still, she won't let her guard since the battle is far from done.

"Tether the horses a little way up ahead, then switch to maneuver gear!" Levi commands, "Lovise's in command while I'm gone." Pulling the trigger as he swings upward to where Y/n is.

"We'll talk later." He said while passing by and Y/n nodded as she jumps at Levi's horse and whacked the reins and the others follow her.

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