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𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭

"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰 𝘪𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩."

Mae West

Elias could only watch Y/n

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Elias could only watch Y/n. As she sternly observes their surroundings even if there's no sighting of Titans. Her gaze constantly changes and staring as the eyes can see. More than that, Elias notices that ever since they left Karanes District Y/n has been awfully quiet. 

She gazed at the sky, not bothering to look back at Elias. Every fire of green and red flares fire in the sky making Y/n ponder.

Elias looks at the sky to understand what Y/n sees, but it only made him bewilder, just like last time. Snapping his brows.

Y/n's fingers wrap around the brown reins as her fingers get red from the tightness. They are getting near the Forest of Giant Trees, and somehow, nothing bizarre is happening. Still, Y/n is not letting her guard down, she learns it the hard way.

Olou fired a green flare towards the left. Then, a male Scout came rushing to the right side.

"I've got a message!" He informs while he comes near Levi.

"The right flank is now blind by the enemy's movement!" He continues.

"Please pass the message on the Squad on your left!"

Levi nodded as he glanced at Petra."You heard the man, Petra." He said. "move out!"

"Yes, sir!" Slapping the reins as she changes her course towards the left-wing. Meanwhile, the male Scouts return to his column.

"I can't afford another mistake, Y/n" Mumbling to herself, throat drying as the air passes inside to her nose. Swallowing hard, trying to soothe dry to the throat but to no avail.

Y/n turns her head as she hears a couple of flares fired rear and sees a color black in the sky.

"Eren! You fire!" Levi commands, whacking the reins.

"Yes, sir!" Firing a black flare.

Soon, the Squad can already see the Forest of the Giant Tree from afar. A prickling sensation in Y/n's stomach causes her to feel nausea, then Petra returns.

Y/n is slowly going inside her thoughts, thinking of an idea to protect them from the Female Titan. Even though she challenged the universe, she couldn't help wanting to curl herself in bed, tightly hugging her knees and cover herself with a thick sheet.

Thinking as she is trying to hype herself, encouraging herself, if not. Then who will?

All the Ideas swarming in her thoughts, only one might be successful.

"Use your hood!" She informs, "cover your face with the hood!" Covering her face, clenching her jaw. All of them bewildered stares in her, for commanding out of nowhere.

Elias covers his face. She gazes at them and seeing none of them obey, biting her bottom lip as she whacks the rein to move at Levi's side.

"Levi!" She yells croakily while furrowing her brows. "Trust me in this!"

Levi turns his head and snaps his brows staring at her, confusedly thinking of why she would order that. He knows Y/n knew about the plan luring whoever is the Traitor among them by baiting Eren.

Then what's the use if they will cover their faces?

He didn't answer for a moment as he turned his gaze towards the incoming thick Forest, gritting his teeth while thinking if he allows it. Y/n opens her mouth to speak again but interrupted.

"Cover your faces!" Levi orders as he covers his face. Petra and the others look at each other with troubled looks on their faces. Still, they didn't have a choice but to follow it reluctantly.

Y/n breaths quickened as she hears Levi allow her order, a heavyweight on her shoulders lifted.

"Make sure you know what you're doing!" Said, Levi peeking at her.

She let out a bitter laugh and said. "Don't make me laugh!" Whacking the rein to return at Elias's side. Shockingly, Levi slightly leans back his head and raises his brows. Then he smirks.

Y/n turns her head to face Elias as she nodded at him, furrowing his brow, and nodded back. Even if it's only a single nod, they already communicate with each other. Soon they enter the Forest of the Giant Trees.

After some time, there hasn't been a sighting of Titans inside.

"Elias, I'll give you a signal later. Go in front of Levi." Y/n order, "and if things get ugly. Leave this forest."

If she is talking about swiftly leaving and dodging the Titans. Then Elias could easily do it. However, she is not one hundred percent about escaping the Female Titan.

Still, if she gives the signal at the right time, Elias's safety is one hundred percent. It's a risk she needs to make.

"What about you?" He asks worriedly, looking at her.

She looked him in the eye and said, "I'll be fine." Corners of her mouth lifted, trying to lift Elias's concern.

She is the smartest person Elias knows, besides Erwin. He couldn't stop worrying for her sake, especially since she was always putting her life in danger.

Elias nodded and looked ahead, tightly gripping the brown reins to calm himself. Trying to remind himself to concentrate on the mission.

Y/n saw Eren staring back at her. His eyes seem to widen.

Eren saw Petra, Gunther, Oluo, and Eld didn't seem to know what's happening but seeing Y/n so stoic. Unlike the others, he sees terror on their faces. Glancing to Y/n's left, Elias furrows his brow looking confident and somehow Eren feels a slight relief. Two more people seem to know what's happening.

Suddenly, they heard a sharp thud in the rear causing them to look back. Y/n felt her heart just drop hearing the loud thud. Then gritted her teeth and snapped her brows together, looking ahead.

"Draw your sword," Levi commands as he tightly grips the hand gear, peeking behind. "if that thing appears, it would be over in a flash."

Drawing their swords as the rest of the Squad continue to glance behind them. Eagerly to know where the continuous sharp thud is coming from.

But Y/n, her concentration is more powerful than earlier, narrowing her eyes as she glances side to side. Searching for any sign about what to happen next.

Instantly, the Female Titan jumps behind Y/n as her horse, Zeus, hops from the sudden vibration in the ground. Zeus shakes his head, and she quickly pulls the rein to calm the horse as the horse continues to gallop. Y/n clicks her tongue as she turns her head back.

Y/n stares into the Female Titans' eyes, purposely letting Annie see her face. Then, Annie sees Y/n fiercely glaring at her, no fear holds in her eyes making her feel slightly concerned.

Especially knowing how clever Y/n can be. Annie glances at the Squad in front of her. Baffled to where Eren is as the green hood covering their faces.

"Shit!" Eld shouts in fear, peeking at the Titans running after them. Then he widened his eyes, seeing the Titan slowed down. Everyone seems to calm down as the Titan changes her direction. 

"Eren!" She shouts at the top of her lungs.

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