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𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞

"𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘰 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺."

Edgar Allan Poe

They carry Eren both arms on the shoulders of Mikasa and Elias; needing help from the Garrison

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They carry Eren both arms on the shoulders of Mikasa and Elias; needing help from the Garrison.

But, when they arrive inside the Headquarters, riding the lift, each one of them is all frightened, the setting sun comes to a sky of fire with the orange of every wintry hearth. Causing every eye to look red, as if they glare with a burning hatred.

Well, she foresaw it.

Standing while putting her hands on her hips in the middle near the lift, feeling assured as the present proceeded to everything she foresaw.

While Jean lowers the door, causing it to drop to the ground as we hear a clank, Mikasa and Elias drag Eren outside the lift while his legs connect to the ground.

Reiner stands behind Mikasa while gripping his fists tightly as Bertholdt slouches his back behind Elias.

Armin's eyebrows snapped together as he examined every Garrison making their move and Annie stands, dullness radiated in her eyes, close as we watch the Garrison circle around us as they corner them.

Meanwhile, the Captain of the 1st Division Elite Forces, Kitz Woerkmann, stomped its feet to the ground approaching them and stared sacredly as multiple lines visible in his forehead, causing his eyes to appear more sunken than usual, sweat slowly dripping from his forehead.

Rico walks behind the sunken-eyed man, her both arms at the side as she continues to stare.

Even though she knows what will happen It's strange when she undergoes the scene, feeling the tense atmosphere by the petrified eyes as the Soldiers from the Garrison gawk at them.

Some Soldiers already draw their blades, just 8 feet away from them, even if Kitz has stated nothing concerning the situation, she can sense their killing intent inside of them just by gazing into their eyes.

It fixates everyone on the Sunken-eye man expecting for him to speak. Y/n glance back at Elias, head slowly nodding with a furrowed brow, and knowing him.

He will ignore helping Eren just to drag me to cram and leave them here, all confused and scared if the situation gets unhandy.

Elias wouldn't even bother if they despise him. One of his intentions is for her safety, even if dropping a few of our comrades.

Kitz stops in the middle and announces, "Sworn to not mention this to anybody!" Panic is noticeable in his speech.

"Leave Eren Yeager and if this doesn't involve you leave the premises!" Captain Kitz added, hunched his back leaning forward as he balled his fists. Being unbothered by his aggressiveness, she slowly reaches her hand gears and puts it on both her sides.

Everyone bewildered stares at her, walking to where Armin and Mikasa are standing closely.

"You two remain and defend Eren." She said, putting her hands on their shoulders.

Furrowing her brows as she grasps. "We can't let others involve in this matter any further." She continues, letting go of their shoulders.

Looking to the other side to where Elias is standing, still supporting Eren.

"Whatever decision you made, I'm in." He said in a confident attitude.

The thing with Elias is, he'd follow her even if she goes to the depth of hell. Y/n nod and peek at the others.

"Let's leave." Informing them as she glances to Kitz, all the Soldiers are already in place with their blade drawn and even that canons aimed directly at them.

"Oi, are you sure? Are we going to just leave them?" Jean panicky asks.

He inched towards her as he leans forward, arms wide open while gripping his fists.

"There's a time we fight." She casually admits as she shifts her body towards Jean, narrowing her eyes as she stares at him, causing him to lean back.

Glancing sideways. "And there's also a time we don't fight." She said, tightly gripping her hand gear, glaring towards the Sunken-Eyed man.

Y/n lied, if you want something, even if your mind and body are already aching, even if a God is preventing you from achieving it. You just have to fight it.

All Soldiers are staring at us, waiting for their decision and Captain Kitz.

"Let's go." Informing them as she turns around, Elias uses his left hand to lift Eren's arm while Armin quickly helps Eren.

"So, you finally degraded yourself and listened to your superior!" Kitz announces, stepping a foot forward.

Earning Elias to make a sound as he glares.

"No, I just want to see how well you handle the situation, Sir Kitz!" Objecting to his statement, as she proudly salutes at Kitz.

Everyone was astounded by her remark, hearing a faint gasp from the Soldiers.

Reiner and everyone else simply watches while their lips pressed into a hard line.

Rico steps forward, but she pulls the trigger, aims at the wall, and flies outside the premises before Kitz says something. Everyone follows her while they leave behind Mikasa and Armin.


Meanwhile, Levi grips his hand tightly as the blood slowly drips.

"You've contributed more than enough. And you'll continue doing so, I'll carry your will, and it will grant me strength! I swear to you, I shall exterminate the Titans no matter the cost!" Levi assures him while his eyes flash with anger.

Petra cried, "Lance corporal, he's no longer..." She said, closing her eyes. Levi looks at Petra.

"Did he hear everything I said?" He asks.

Petra glance lifeless man and said, " Yes, I'm sure he did. He's resting so peacefully, after all."

"That's good." He responds as he stands up.

"Levi! We're withdrawing." Erwin declares, earning a glare from Levi.

"Withdrawing? There's still more we can accomplish here. Did my men die for nothing?" Levi said harshly.

Erwin is still in his unshakable behavior

"The titans are all heading north towards the city." He replied calmly. Petra gasps at the news they heard.

"It's the same as five years ago. Something is happening in the city. The wall may no longer be intact, and I wonder if this is Lovise's hunched means." He continues looking at Levi.

"Ah, I thought so too." He quietly responds as he glances sideways, Petra bewilderedly watches the two.

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