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𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬

"𝘌𝘮𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦."

Elizabeth Gilbert

She stares at the wall for as long as she can remember

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She stares at the wall for as long as she can remember. Waking into a bizarre place while her chest and neck are throbbing in pain is not a promising way to wake up. Especially when she was on her bed getting a kick out of the coziness. 

     However, Y/n is there, sitting on the pavement. Her hair lies like a second skin over her cheeks and she looks as if she were just caught in a sudden storm.

Her mind was failing, like an engine that turns over and over, never kicking into action. She couldn't plan a thought. There is too much going on. Hearing people talking in the distance thought it was loud she couldn't understand what they're saying.

    Y/n glances at her surroundings as she sees herself sitting in an alleyway with her back against the cold bricks, making her shiver.

She tries to stand, and puts her hand on a wall behind, to herself stand. The buildings were tight together and loomed over her, like a forest of stone. 

When she peered up, the roofs were so close together that she could only make out a sliver of the blue sky that mirrored by the tiny stream of light that trickled along the cold stone ground.

The alleyway twisted and turned back on itself, first going to the right, then to the left. From where Y/n stood, whether she looks in front or behind, she saw nothing but stone. Her knees are shaking while her legs are empty and there is a rising feeling of nausea from her stomach. 

    Shoulders hunched as she put all strength in her arms, struggling to stand up. Y/n knew it was pointless, but she wasn't giving in.

Gripping her hands tightly as ever, gagging from all the stench she's inhaling. Eyes are adapting to the bright.

After her eyes scanning from side to side. She examines the clothes she's wearing that aren't her as It's stuffed with mud. A white shirt exposing her shoulders, a brown corset wrapping around her stomach that traces her shape, and a faded red skirt covering her entire legs. 

     She dusts off her skirt using her hand after regaining her balance, attempting to remove the few muds that tainted the color red.

Then, she waddles to where the prime noise is taking place, Y/n nearly step on a dead cat while flies gathering to its decaying body. 

     Now, she knows where the nauseating stench is coming from. Limping as she seeks to get away from the alley, she observed many individuals chatting, singing, and flirting with a woman, and they are all considered ordinary, but one fact is unmistakable.

Y/n instantly looks up and discovers the giant wall that circles her. A sudden coldness hits her core. She couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't want to, anyway. She never thought something like that, even in her worst fantasies. 

But how can that be? Y/n didn't perform mythical actions or even whispered to the Devil's ear. Believing, perhaps, it's a mere dream. She slaps her cheeks. Instantly, she slams her eyes shut as she goes through the sting in her face. However, Y/n is still standing. 

The people strolling past by her; she looks like a crazy woman breaking down in an alley, but Y/n didn't pay attention. But let's say she got shifted to this dimension, magically. Finances will be her first problem, cause right now. Her stomach grumbles.

     But a question sticks into her mind. She flounders to the man sitting on a bench near her. She is hesitant to ask the man, but her desire in knowing the answer to her question is dominant.

"Excuse me?" She said, in a hoarse voice, "I was wondering if this is Shiganshina District?" Instead of answering her question, the man stares at her, one brow is higher than the other, after a few seconds he answers.

"It's Trost District, Miss." He answered in a shaky voice.

"What year?" She shouted.

He widens his eyes, Y/n can't blame him if some random person asks her these questions and has a foul stench. Makes her frightened as well.

"Year 845." He answered, and he sounded annoyed.

"Thank you." She replied.

After giving her gratitude towards the man. She wanders through the crowded street. She glanced at the man one more time and watched him falling back into his chair. 

She roamed through the street, scorching day as the sun climbed towards its zenith; Nothing is protecting her head from the heat. 

"Ugh." A woman says, full of disgust. Pinching her nose while glaring at Y/n. "Learn to clean yourself! Disgusting!"

Y/n said nothing. She couldn't deny, she knew what she smells, rotten flesh. The scent from the dead cat must have remained to her, after sitting there for so long. 

     Limping, she moves forward while her arm hugs her stomach. More and more people stare at her with disgust, she can only drop her head in the ground.

 Getting hungrier and hungrier by seconds, but at the same, she wanted to vomit. A wave of nausea adding to her misery. Like a puppet on the street, her body moves on its own. Eyelids begin to heavy. She tried her best to open them. But it's open only half for them to shut.
     She knew she would faint when her stomach gave out. It felt like her innards were being replaced by some kind of black hole. Then nausea crept from her abdomen to her head and the world went black.

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