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"𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦."

Babe Ruth

After minutes of walking in the hallways but she didn't walk too far, still leaning at the wall and the calves are already leaking blood causing the pavement to stain with red

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After minutes of walking in the hallways but she didn't walk too far, still leaning at the wall and the calves are already leaking blood causing the pavement to stain with red. She was panting, plus her throat was dry, making it harder for Y/n to inhale in her mouth. Staring ahead—she saw an open wooden door with a gentle light passing through. She also felt a wind coming from the room.

She walks towards the door and glimpses of an open window while a peaceful glow lights the darkroom and the fresh wind enter causing the thin curtains to sway gently. Y/n was drawn to it.

She walks insides and already feels the calming atmosphere inside the room, as she notices the bookshelves at the end of the room with an empty table beside it, a red carpet underneath the table. However, she saw a peculiar book on the bookshelves; it was all black with no description on the spine while the other books were full of description.

Five years inside the headquarters, she never finds this peculiar black book, causing her to pique her curiosity in the book.

Limping towards the bookshelves, passing the table as she touches the peculiar book. The outer wrapping was smooth. Pulling the book, the pages inside were brown and had the scent of aged books. Flipping a few pages, it looks normal as she flips another page a certain title caught her attention.

Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions. It said. Brushing her pale fingers at the brownish paper, feeling the thin paper.

In which a minor change in one state can result—in enormous differences in a later state. She read.

Her eyes widened as she read the sentence; this was the first clue she found in five years. Yet, the title was familiar to her, closing the book as she strolls to the table to set the book. Pinching the bridge of her nose, thinking where she read it before.

"Where?" She mumbled to herself, closing her eyes recollecting all her memories. However, it didn't take long as she immediately realized.

"Just like the Butterfly Effect in Chaos Theory." She mumbles, she set her palms down flat at the table, gawking towards the peculiar book, retrieving all that she has done for a couple of years.

It's already shifting ever since I came here—unwanted. She thought.

"The plot is changing—and there's nothing I can do." Pounding her fist on the table as she narrows her eyes, clenching her jaw out of anger. Neglecting the pain she is feeling all over her wounded body.

No, then I'll just change the present by telling, and warning them anonymously. Stopping herself from clenching the jaw and her shoulders straighten.

No, I don't get it—if it's changing, how come their deaths are still unavoidable? Brushing her fingers at the peculiar book, hoping it would reveal the answer to her.

So—you're telling me. Whatever I do—they will still die? 

Grabbing the book and throwing it across the room didn't do any damage to the book. However, it has hugely affected her as she uses her remaining strength. Y/n didn't know how to express her complicated emotions.

Suddenly, Levi saw the bloodstains on the pavement and followed it, witnessing Y/n throwing the black book across the room. But Levi didn't wish to interfere and just when he leaves he overhears her yells.

"Just—tell me why are they still dying?" Y/n shouted as she Slams both her fists against the table as she closed her eyes, corner her eyes crinkled.

Her face darkens as she realizes she does not know when she and Elias died, and if only she does that, she can change. Y/n is standing quietly in the middle of the room, just gazing at the rock wall. Still, thinking about how she can solve the problem, she is resenting the universe.

"Do you think—I'll just wait for my death." She said, in a monotone voice, raising her chin, wanting the universe to hear her challenge.

"Their deaths aren't entirely your fault," Levi interjects as he hears Y/n scream while walking in the corridor.

Y/n quickly opens her eyes to glare at him. Right now, in her mind, Levi is just another sad character in the series.

"What do you know?!" She fumes, not wanting anybody's opinion at the moment. Levi approaches Y/n while narrowing his eyes at her.

"It's because—you won't reveal anything," Levi said, in a casual tone. Y/n widens her eyes as he hears Levi's statement as she leans back.

"I don't care if you're injured. But—" Levi trailed off, as he hastily grabs her collar and immediately pulls her up.

"Tell me what's going on in your goddamn mind." Levi continues making it harder for Y/n to breathe.

Levi has never the intention to harm her. But he always questioned how Y/n's mind works, because he regularly guesses but it constantly fails. It felt unfair to him he couldn't know what's inside her mind. Y/n gritted her teeth while her hand gripping Levi's wrist. As soon as she takes a deep breath, she feels a sting inside her lungs causing her to huff.

"Why do you always shoulder it on your own!" Levi yells, glaring at her as he pulls the collar more tightly. Making it harder for her to breathe, however—hearing him expresses it stops her from moving.

She didn't answer him as she stared at the ceiling. She didn't expect it, especially coming from him. Suddenly, a hand intrudes, squeezing Levi's shoulders. Levi turns around to see Elias glaring at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Elias chimed in as he continued to squeeze his shoulder.

Elias did not care about the people he will fight, which includes Levi. However, Levi didn't let go of the Y/n collar as he responded dryly, "What do you think?"

Causing Elias to clench his jaw, a vein is clearly popping in his neck as he pulls Levi towards him and tries to punch him. Levi quickly lets go of Y/n as he grabs Elias's fists.

He seizes Levi's left wrist and clutches it tightly. While Levi tightly squeezes Elias's fists. Y/n sits at the pavement, her head ducks low as she thinks about Levi's statement. However, the two men didn't budge at all, as they continued to glare at each other.

Hange and Miche soon came to the room as they heard the commotion.

"Let's just stop the fight." Hange pant as they obviously put on a fake smile, putting both hands at Elias's shoulders. While Miche grabs Levi's shoulder.

Hange notices Y/n sitting on the ground with blood dripping in her calves and completely ignores the fight and runs to her and kneels in front of her.

"Come on, let's get you to your room," Hange said, with a worried expression.

"I am not alone," Y/n said while her head still ducked low, Elias and Levi stopped and they both looked at her.

"I am not alone!" She yells, echoing throughout the room causing everyone to flinch, then lifting her chin, brows snapped together while her eyes burned with rage.

Levi widens his eyes, surprised at her sudden action. Yet, it piques Levi's interest. As it always has been.

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