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"𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵."

Martin Luther King Jr.

    Miss Kirstein place their plates on the table, a delicious omelet, and a slice of baked bread

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    Miss Kirstein place their plates on the table, a delicious omelet, and a slice of baked bread. The omelet is like she had bought one of everything from the greengrocers and thrown it in.

Well, maybe not everything, but there was a lot in there; potato, tomato, mushroom, onion, carrot, spinach. There was barely enough egg to hold it all together. And she admits omelet had to be ethical.

"Eat up." Miss Kirstein said happily, with a gentle smile. They eat and enjoy the rest of the food with Jean and his Mom.

    Jean merely nodded at her statement and headed to the opposite side of the table and sat down at the farthest part of the kitchen table, far from Y/n.

Horse-faced. Y/n thoughts.

    After the dinner, Jean took the plates away. She enjoys having a chat with the Kirstein Household about how troublesome Jean is. Well, his mother is having fun while Jean is receiving the discomfort.

"That's right," Miss Kirstein's hand fisted as hit it against her other palm, " If that's okay with you, would you purchase these for me?" She glances at Y/n.

"Of course!" She says, at least that's what she can do after Miss Kirstein helping her.

    "The market is close to our house, so I'm positive you wouldn't be off-track since a lot of Garrison soldiers are patrolling." She instructed. " they are wearing a light-brown jacket that has a rose logo on their chest and their shoulders. You can ask them if you're lost."

"Sure, I think I can handle that," She responds to her.

"The cash is on the table." Y/n walks to the table, grabs the money, and to the front door.

    "I'll have my leave, Miss Kirstein."

"Be careful" She says while waving her hands at her.

Y/n smile at her compliment and opens the door, leaving the house.


She asked ten strangers where the market is, that's how bad Y/n at following directions and they stare at her as if she's playing a joke on them. Turns after turns, she spotted the market, it's more spirited than she expected would be. 

    Many stalls on both sides of the street, vendors displaying their stocks, parents buying food while followed by their children, as birds fluttering around.

If she chooses to aside everyone, she will need money, Just where could she get that? Y/n could steal but she never stole before, besides she doesn't consider herself a swift sprinter. 

    They'll be able to seize her in no time, and put her in the cell, she doesn't want to rot in a cell.

"That man stole my money!" Y/n overheard an Elderly Woman scream. Glancing towards the woman, she saw her pointing towards a young man running away while holding a purse.

    Quickly running to the direction she's pointing, as the man is dashing away. Suddenly, her feet are running on their own.

She doesn't know why but she is rushing toward the man who fled, maybe her instincts instruct her, running rapidly, surprised if she says so to herself.

    Because she knows she never runs this fast in her entire life, this body is strong as she struggling to grasp the man's collar to stop him from running any further.

"Hey! Stop running and put your hands on the back!" A Garrison Soldier yells at her, stopping Y/n in her track. She peeks at the man fleeing along with the small purse from the Elderly Woman.

"I'm not the one you should yell at. The thief is running away." She tried to justify herself as points in the direction where the man is going, but no one is believing her.

     Stupid Soldiers, didn't they see anything? Even the crowds are not speaking up, they watch her being detained.

"Hey, don't touch me," She spoke with busting anger.

"Shut your mouth, don't blame anyone for your nasty actions." The Soldier yells back at her.

"I advised you it's not me, even if you examine me you'll not discover the purse in me."

    He went through her clothes and found the money which Miss Kirstein handed over to her early. 

"Then what's this?" He asks

"It's mine. You didn't even see a purse hiding in me." Y/n fume.

"I saw everything; the woman doesn't even have a purse." He arrogantly responds.

     Stupid bastard! She knows there's a senseless Soldier but not this dumb, and he evens reeks of booze. Slacking while on duty, it's best if the survey corps uses you as bait.

 He impounded the money; he handcuffs her and starts pushing her. She can't do anything, so she just goes to where he was guiding her.

"Pay the consequences of what you have done." He snarled. As if she did something wrong.

     The Soldier speaks to her as they put her in an underground cell. The walls and ceiling are all rocks, a tall vertical metal rod is preventing Y/n from fleeing. She sat on the floor. One torch is being lit to the top part of the wall. She is positive; she is the only one inside.

She lost track of time. It must worry Miss Kirstein for not being able to come back in time. It would be troublesome for her to explain what happened to the money. She needs to compensate her in some ways she can. 

    Her eyelids are becoming heavier, as if every eyelash weighs more than it should, and it has turned gravity up tenfold. Wrapping her arms around her legs, head resting on the knee. Then she heard the metal rod annoyingly being tapped.

"What?" She asks, not bothering to peek at her left side, Y/n is very pissed right now. She doesn't want to say any words to make her sentences even longer.

"This woman bailed you out." He says.

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