Kageyama Tobio and Akashi Seijuro || Brothers

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Yes, this is a random KNB x Haikyuu crossover. I just wrote some small things about what they would be like as siblings. Akashi is going to be a year older.

Names will be the same for convenience.

This is really random, I know.


Don't Disrespect Food:

"Akashi, I'm hungry."

"Again? Tobio we literally just got some snacks four hour ago."

Tobio glared at his redhead brother, who silently practiced his shots at the gym.

"That isn't going to work Tobio. You're better off practicing with me."

"A-KA-SHI SEI-JU-RO. I swear if we don't get any snacks right now I'm going to destroy your shogi board."

"Yes sir."


Oikawa and Akashi:

"What do you want?" The brunette stared with fierce eyes, annoyed by the presence of the "Emperor".

"I'm here to pick up my brother for his basketball practice and we're going to the store to get his new shoes." Akashi calmly responded, ignoring the stares and dark looks from Oikawa.

"Sorry KID, but I don't recognize you, and nobody here plays basketball. We're all a hundred percent dedicated to volleyball, so I'd appreciate it if you leave and go back to your elementary school." Iwaizumi hit Oikawa on the head, then apologized. Everyone else in the team nodded and told him that he was in the wrong place, except for one person.

"Oh! SEI ONI SAN! I'll pack up my stuff real quick! Practice is pretty much over. Also, can you teach me the dribbling thingy again? I couldn't really grasp it, hehe." An innocent blueberry happily gathered his things and excitedly walked to his older brother, who responded with sweet smiles, nods of "of course!", and pats.

The team was shocked. Tobio, the most dedicated person on the team, had an older brother and knew how it play basketball? What? Even Kunimi's normal resting face was replaced by a surprised one. Oikawa certainly did not approve.

"HOLD UP! What. The. Heck. You had an older brother and didn't tell me? Excuse me? And you knew how to play basketball? Tobio-Chan, I feel BETRAYED! And I don't like him, he gives me weird vibes."

"Yo captain if you keep rambling you're gonna sound like an old man." A third year taunted.

Seijuro just looked in annoyance. Iwaizumi noticed and gave a quick introduction.

"Sorry, that's Oikawa. He's our resident drama queen and uh, yeah."

"Well at least someone is sensible." The boy's golden eyes shined in approval.

"Oikawa Toruu, this dumbass over here, is sorry. We didn't know he's your brother. Kageyama has repeatedly asked him to teach him how to serve, but he won't help. I greatly apologize for his behavior, especially when he attempted to hit your little brother once, and kept taunting him from time to time." Iwaizumi bowed, forcing the brunette to reluctantly do so. However, the look in Seijuro's eyes completely changed.

"Care to repeat that again?" He darkly said.

"We're sorry about Oikawa's behavior towards your younger brother?" Kindaichi asked.

Akashi turned around and patted his brother on the head. "Tobio, go wait by the car. I'll catch up with you soon."

"But Sei-oni-"

"I'll buy you a milkshake if you listen."

"Okay then!" And with that, Tobio Kageyama happily ran to the parking lot.

Akashi turned around, and his eyes morphing into a deadly spark, gold and red. He grabbed Oikawa by the collar and dragged him against the wall, keeping his grip even though the other squirmed and thrashed around.

Taking out a pair of scissors, he violently pushed the taller boy against the wall, and brought the scissors towards the brunette's face in a flash of a second. Luckily for the latter, it landed just next to his head. However, blood drilled in a clean cut moments later, and all of that was enough to silence and instill a sort of 'fear' in the team.

"Listen here. Nobody harms my brother. I don't care how you do it. I don't care what reasons you do it for. But he is MY brother, and I PROTECT him. So...." He plucked out the scissors from earlier, which had already formed a dent in the solid wood, and held them at the face of the scared setter.

"If you dare touch him ever again, or even utter a singly rude word to him, I'll make sure that whatever makes you human will be taken from you, and even your life if I must. That goes for all of you, got that?" Akashi's voice sounded completely sadistic and overprotective, so nobody had any choices other than to nod.

Let's just say the next day, Kageyama was extremely confused why his teammates were being so nice to him.


Daisuke (Balance Unlimited) and Akashi as brothers for the precious little milk boy:

Kageyama: *Hugs them happily*

Akashi: *Ready to go full yandere mode if anyone besides his brothers try to touch him or tease him*

Daisuke: *Starts bringing and buying gifts and stuff for his beloved little brother*


So cute :3

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