Bokuto, Kageyama, Kuroo, Akaashi, and Kenma || Adorable Little Mages

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Kageyama scanned the top shelf until he found what he was looking for. A small, green vial filled with some sort of liquid. He dribbled a bit onto a raven's injured wing and wrapped it up with some bandages.

"There you go! Now wait for a little while and you should be good to go!"

The raven made a happy sound and soon fell asleep.

"Nice job Kageyama, you're really getting better at this." Kuroo leaned over and ruffled the boy's hair.

Kageyama blushed a bit and smiled. "Thanks Kuroo-San! It's all thanks to you guys for teaching me!"

Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Bokuto all had the same though. Why did he have to be so cute?

Right, where are we? Basically, these five mages met long ago, okay, just a few years back when they were small children, and being orphans, they decided to help one another. Though being unaware of their growing relationship, the five eventually moved in together in a treehouse just in the deeps of the forest.

"Guys look! The cat is waking up!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"I'll go get some food for it, one moment." Akaashi stood up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen.

Kenma and Kuroo on the other hand, had sparkles in their eyes. Heaven knows that these two were absolutely obsessed with cats. Kageyama, on the other hand, looked a little cautious.

"Kageyama, we've been through this before. Don't worry. Just pat it carefully, like this." Kenma gently grabbed his friend's hand and demonstrated it. When Akaashi came back, the five played with the cat until it was time for bed.

The next morning, they were woken up by the loud noises of Bokuto shouting.

"They're back! Those people are back. They've sent more people to help them too!"

The others jumped out of bed, immediately knowing what was going on. See, being in the deep of the forest also means having a lot of good resources around you. Of course, the five didn't do anything, but these merchants insisted on fighting them for some reason.

"Don't they ever learn?" Akaashi grumbled.

Fortunately for the group, they had some pretty tough people on their side. Kuroo, for one, had reflexes of a cat and enhanced strength if he amplified it with magic. That alone could blast through several of them at once.

"Wait!" Kageyama screamed, pointing at the bushes. A small cat came out, its tail injured. 

He ran over, not caring about the people literally ready to attack him. Well, not that the others would let their precious Tobio be harmed. In just a few moments, the people had been scared away. 

"Thank god. Also, Kageyama." Akaashi turned to the little setter, who was cautiously petting the cat, "don't do that again! You could have gotten hurt!"

"S-sorry..." Kageyama sheepishly said. The others could only sigh in response. After all, no one could stay mad at the adorable child for long.

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