Gaming Nights

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Kenma sat bored in the living room, staring at the TV screen as he finished the last level of his game for the third time this week.

Now, he normally would've played another game or would still enjoy it, but there were two issues.

One, the game shops and delivery services had run out of newer games. Two.....

He was looking forward to his gaming night with Kageyama, who he planned to the latest game made by his favorite developer with. Strange, isn't it? Kenma rarely looked forward to anything, but here he was.

"It's tomorrow, no need to be so excited. Maybe you could get some shut eye." Kenma said to himself, then sighed once again.

"Who am I kidding? I don't sleep. Well.... fine, just today."

He shut off the TV and dragged himself to bed. Surprisingly, he was able to sleep easy.

"Oi Kenma! Wake up! Jesus Christ, I can't believe you're actually asleep."

Kenma heard the faint noise of a deep voice shouting at him to wake up. He fluttered his eyes and wrapped himself around in his blanket, looking at the materializing figure of a rooster head.

"What are you doing here?"

"You forgot already? Your mom is out so she asked me to check up on you. It's noon already." Kuroo pulled off his sheets.

"Already? Surprising..."

"I'm impressed you slept, but I'm dragging you out for a walk now. No complaints, the weather's awesome." Kuroo grabbed his friend and took him outside, shocking the other with the sudden ray of light.

"Kuroo stop please. I have something important today so don't let me die." Kenma said in the most sarcastic but calm way possible.

"Ah, sorry. Do you need anything though?"

"No." And he shut the door, leaving Kuroo confused, but he decided he wouldn't think about it.

Kenma ended up browsing the internet and messing around until it was around 7:05 pm, and he heard the doorbell ring.

"Kenma! Sorry, it took me a little more time 'cause I got a little lost." Kageyama nervously said.

But Kenma didn't mind. In fact, his heart was racing at the moment. Kageyama, the Kageyama Tobio was at his door.

When they talked about it, Kenma assumed he'd be fine with him in the house, but he was mistaken. He was literally dying inside from how beautiful he was, and how adorable his actions were.

"Mhm, come in." Thank god he knew how to keep his panic inside.

"Ah, do you want to begin?" Kageyama asked nervously, sitting down on the floor.

"Sure. I have this game we can play." Kenma calmed himself down and set it up, smiling a bit as he handed Kageyama a controller.

"Don't worry, it's pretty simple. Just follow my lead and you'll be fine."

They played for a while and chatted about several topics, including volleyball to their teammates to whatever else there was. Kenma felt himself loosen up, feeling more comfortable with his presence.

"Do you want something to eat?" Kenma asked after an hour.

"Yeah! Was that too enthusiastic? Sorry, but what do you have?"

"I can kind of cook."

"You can, Kenma?"

"You have the exact same reaction as Kuroo. Wait a bit, I'll make you something." He stood and walked to the kitchen, but felt a presence.

"What's the matter Kageyama?"

"I was just curious...."

Kenma finished preparing the meal, and they ate in awkward silence.

"I'll help you beat the boss. I know you were struggling." The blonde placed his fork in the sink, pushing a strand of hair behind his ear.

"So you saw." Kageyama chuckled, and Kenma could swear he felt himself being taken to the afterlife. That was so damn adorable.

"We won! That was very difficult." Kageyama threw his arms up in victory. It was around midnight, and they had taken several breaks. Kageyama even convinced Kenma to go out to see the stars with him.

"It...wasn't that hard." Kenma turned his head away.

"You must be very impressive then! Today was fun." The raven rubbed his eyes, noticing how tired and burned out he was. Without knowing, he subconsciously leaned himself on his friend.

"Excuse me, but can I rest like this for a while?"

Ah. Kenma was dying now. His heart burst at the moment, and he whispered a small, "Yes, you may."

He looked at the boy rest himself against him, covering his face in embarrassment. Soon, he found himself stroking the soft strands of the raven's hair, smiling.

And they stayed like that until morning.

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