Bokuto x Kageyama

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I miss the old headcanons so let's get into it! I'm going to start off with a little story of Bokuto and Kageyama.


Add emotions and chaos together, and what do you get? Bokuto. Literally, that was him. Or at least, that was what most people perceived him as. Some people would say he was unpredictable, and others would say he was easy to read. 

Kageyama often thought Bokuto was a strange variable. He would describe him as an older version of Hinata, but a little more mood swingy. To be honest, he was never sure what to make out of him, so he stayed out of the way and let the French fry and human tangerine deal with him. 

But the silver haired ace had a different idea. He wanted Kageyama to notice him, and he made it clear. Sadly, of everyone he could fall for, he fell for the densest child on earth. Trust me, EVERYONE knew that Bokuto liked Kageyama except for Kageyama.

Bokuto would invite Kageyama over to practice, he would ask him if he wanted to eat lunch together, and he would even ask if he liked anyone in particular, and yet the other only saw him as a friend.

A friend, he thought, until Akaashi came up to him and asked him what he saw Bokuto as. 

What did he see Bokuto as?

A companion?

A close friend?

A really close friend?

Okay, a really really really close friend?

A really really close friend he wanted to get closer to?

Also, why can Akaashi read him like a book.

"Kageyama, do you like Bokuto romantically." Akaashi finally asked, even though it seemed like he already knew the answer. 

"I...I think so," was his only response, but for Bokuto, who'd been spying in the bushes, was overjoyed, and without care, threw himself on the setter.



Mkay, that's your story, now here are the headcanons :3

- Bokuto facetimes Kageyama every night. If he doesn't, he gets sad the next day, and then the Fukurodani team has to call up Kageyama to calm their captain down.

- Once they called in Kageyama right before class started, and then Akaashi had to explain everything to the teacher through the phone. 

- Akaashi is rich right? So eventually they managed to get Kageyama to come to their school for the rest of day as a "special transfer" through his connections.

- Okay but when Bokuto saw his boyfriend in the Fukurodani uniform, blazers and all, he was literally hyped up again.

- Okay but when Bokuto saw his boyfriend in the Fukurodani uniform, blazers and all, he was literally hyped up again

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