Levi and Kageyama

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Yeah, we know there's Daisuke as Kageyama's brother, Uenoyama as Kageyama's brother, but what about Levi?

Random headcanons time :D

- Levi is a clean freak and cleans Kageyama's room EVERYDAY

- Gives his brother tips on cleaning though Kageyama doesn't bother to listen

- Kageyama still doesn't understand how his brother travels through dimensions

- Levi doesn't understand how Kageyama is taller even though he's younger

- On a normal day, Levi will drag Kageyama out of his bed at 5 in the morning, get him to eat quickly, then take him to school and kick him at the entrance for being slow

- Yes, I said normal

- Lol Levi loves his brother though (He shows it through milk boxes because he doesn't know how else)

- Kageyama teases Levi for being short

- The only reason he's still alive is because he's his brother

- Levi thinks Hinata is too loud

- He thinks the whole team is annoying honestly

- Except for Tsukishima

- Most of the scouts are fine with Kageyama (I mean they have to be-)

- Hange has eight broken bones for almost using Kageyama in "research"

- When Kageyama revealed that Levi was his brother everyone at Karasuno thought he was joking

- Like dude they're drawn in a completely different style!

- No just kidding. They were just shocked, especially hearing what his occupation was.

- Mikasa thinks of Kageyama as her little brother and takes care of him like Eren when they visit

- Eren just likes Kageyama around because they can be chaotic together

- Oikawa gets yelled at by Levi for being too priss or something :P

- Meh overall I think its cute and you better too (jk jk think what you like) :D

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