Dense, dense as heck.

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This chapter is for our beautiful ReggieShortKing ! Thanks for reading my book, and being a lovely supporter of our beautiful blueberry boi.

That being said, lots of love to all my other readers as well!

It is an AtsuKage and SunaIwa, and to be honest, I didn't know SunaIwa existed, so uhh.....yeah....Anyways, Iwaizumi is Kageyama's senpai in Karasuno here.

Prepare to feel single (jk jk just enjoy you lovely people).


"Morning, Kageyama. You look rather happy." Iwaizumi greeted.

"Iwaizumi-senpai! Hello! And...uhhh....yeah I'm pretty happy..." Kageyama looked a little flustered, to which Iwaizumi chuckled at. Honestly, why did he have to be so cute? Who gave him the permission to?

Anyways, they were going to have a training camp with Inarizaki soon, which meant they were supposed to be getting ready.

Or so they should be, but Kageyama seemed to be spacing out or getting distracted. He was looking at his phone more, and looked a little anxious, so Iwaizumi, as the upperclassman he is, decided to investigate.

So while Kageyama was helping clean up the gym, Iwaizumi managed to sneak his phone out of his bag, and opened it. Dude didn't even have a password, huh.

"Hm...nothing much in his recent apps besides messages. His contacts really are limited...Atsumu Miya?" He looked up and thought for a moment. Atsumu Miya was the setter at Inarizaki.

A message then popped up.

Atsumu Miya:
Yeah, me too! Can't wait to see ya!

'So this is who he was talking to...'

"Yo Kageyama!" Iwaizumi called to the setter, who was finishing up.


"You know who Miya Atsumu is right?"

At that name, Kageyama was a little surprised, but slowly nodded his head. A small blush crept up his cheeks, barely noticeable, but Iwaizumi, knowing Kageyama, knew.

"Oh okay. Just asking." Iwaizumi hurriedly put the phone back in his bag without the other looking.

"Alright everyone! We're about ready. Get your things and let's go!" Coach Ukai announced.


During the bus ride, the club fell asleep as the bus was driving. Not Iwaizumi though, he had a mission to fulfill for Kageyama.

"Where is- found it."

Chat Opened - 1:22 PM

2 People


Oi you there?
Sure you're not dead?
wait you probably are

I have risen from the dead, I shall take Asahi's place

Lmao ok

sooooo why are you chatting with me at this ungodly hour

Well i can't magically make the time turn to 3 am so sorry

such a pain

I feel you

if you're bored on the bus ride then s l e e p
ik you can sleep really easily

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