Haikyuu Family Members || 30k Special

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Hinata - The cousin who always bothers Kageyama, has been accidentally mistaken for an orange by Tsukishima and Lev once 

Yachi - Doesn't know what to do, often relies on Kiyoko for assisstance

Kiyoko - Always knows what to do, responsible and smart and keeps track of days without accidents.

Tsukishima - The protective and salty brother for Kageyama, insists on watching Jurassic Park every movie night and roasts the crap out of everyone except for Kageyama (has a taser hidden in his hoodie that no one knows about)

Yamaguchi - The cousin who's completely given up on Hinata

Tanaka and Noya - The two other cousins who are complete crackheads and will play baby shark on replay 20/6 just to annoy the crap out of people

Ennoshita - The done older cousin, stays in his room to avoid Tanaka and Noya

Daichi - Usually busy working and extremely dense sometimes

Asahi - The uncle who's scared of children but still loves them

Suga - The mom who literally overwatches the whole house, chaotic and loves positivity. If one of his children gets in trouble, he makes them watch an hour of Dora the Explorer

Akaashi - The aunt that knows how to calm everyone down, and is pretty much considered the second mom

Bokuto - That gay uncle (it's true tho) He's pretty chill and everyone goes to him if they want to cause mischief

Kuroo - Gay Uncle #2, same situation with the dude above, and always lets Kageyama have a midnight snack even if he's not supposed to

Kenma - The cousin who's nervous and also socially awkward, but will play with Kageyama, Sakusa, and maybe Kuroo

Yaku - The violent kind of mom. Threatens you and yells at you but loves you very dearly inside and makes sure you know it

Lev - hAtED cHIld gAchA liFE tM jk jk The fun brother who basically flexes his height on everyone, and is almost always seen pulling a prank with Bokuto and Kuroo or getting yelled at by Yaku

Ushijima - The sports brother and is addicted to watching matches on TV, and the family half despises him for getting Kageyama obsessed with it too

Goshiki - Precious forgotten child but still loved

Tendou - Your daily sadistic and psychopathic cousin that always makes the bathroom toilet seats warm (and lays out lego for you to step on)

Semi - The cousin that secretly helps Tendou but will never admit for his life, buys all the legos

Shirabu - Emo cousin. Enough said.

Kunimi - Sleepy and tired brother who'll do random things for Kageyama as long as the boy asks

Kindaichi - Bully cousin that always attempts to insult Kageyama and then covers his face in embarrassment

Yahaba - Ennoshita #2, done with everything and everyone as a brother and a human being

Kyoutani - Always gets in fights, but always patched up by Iwaizumi and scolded by his brother Yahaba

Iwaizumi - Fear himmmm! Protective and logical and will never let his kids go out alone, and if no one is going to go with them, he'll go himself

Oikawa - The diva bro, may be a yandere but that hasn't been confirmed yet (According to Suga: "Dead bodies in the basement are completely normal in a chaotic family.")

Kita - The only, and I mean only parent that can control all the kids with a single sentence, but pretty chill and takes care of his children lovingly

Aran - The uncle that out to drink with Asahi and hangs out with him a lot, also taught him how to handle cute children

Atsumu - Twin brother that won't shut his butt up, argues with Oikawa and Osamu 24/7, has a strange addiction to Pixar movies

Osamu - Chill twin brother, can cook and is currently teaching the others to not burn down the house. He's only ever let Kageyama and Kita touch his beloved and trusty knife (Makes Atsumu jealous)

Suna - Has illegally sold and bought stuff on the black market before, the "bad example" of an older brother, and Kageyama's has been dragged into his things (but he won't let anyone else taint the pure angel)

Sakusa - The cousin that has painted his floor and walls black because blood stains are less visible in black, cleans the entire house as a hobby and sprays people with alcohol because he "feels like it"

Komori - Covers up for Sakusa and hangs out with Suna so he can get the tea on everyone first before everyone else, but acts like the "kind and caring older brother"

Hoshiumi - Competes with Hinata to see who's ...... shorter..... The second dumb brother but a bit more tolerable

Miwa - Awesome aunt and takes all of the kids on a shopping spree every month, they all love her. Favors Kageyama of the lot

Saeko - Awesome aunt #2 and hangs out with Miwa and Alisa, takes the kids to concerts and festivals whenever she can

Alisa - Finishes the Trio of Awesome aunts, the supportive, bubbly, and will speak Russian out of nowhere when she's nervous or mad

Kageyama - Youngest member of the family but loved by all. Nobody dares to leave him alone for even a millisecond. Socially awkward but he's trying!


There you have it. Haikyuu Family. 

Thank you so much for the 30k, I appreciate the support!

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