Memories || Iwaizumi and Oikawa

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Oikawa-Iwaizumi as Kageyama's brothers, there. 


"Tobio, I know you hate medicine, but you need to drink some!" Iwaizumi shoved the cup into his little brother's hands, hoping for him to accept it. 

"No! No!" Kageyama covered his mouth. 

"Annddd....mission failed successfully..." Oikawa sighed. 

The two nine year old brothers were busy taking care of their sick six year old brother, who had spilled a cup of medicine already. 

Iwaizumi went to his last resort, prying Kageyama's hands away and forcefully pouring the liquid into his brother's mouth, who reflexively swallowed it. 

"I hate you!" Kageyama whined. 

"See? You hurt the poor child. Meanie." Oikawa joked. 

"Shut up." Iwaizumi scowled. 


"Okay, I know there's like hugeeee and scaryyyyy third years, but you're going to have to deal with it. Or run to Iwaizumi for help, that's what I always do." Oikawa advised. 

"Scaredy cat." Kageyama stuck out his tongue. 

"Definitely." Iwaizumi agreed, slight smirk on his face. 

"SHUSH!" Oikawa screamed. 

"You shut up." Kageyama answered. 

And yet, while this raven was completely fine talking to his siblings, when it came to other people....he was really a wreck. 

Of course, the two brothers knew that. Normally, most siblings would make fun of that, but these two, well, they'd protect him at any cost because they found it adorable. 

"Right, if you need help, rush over to classroom 3-4, and I don't give a crap if you interrupt our class. Just do it." Iwaizumi instructed, lightly hitting his younger brother's head. 

"Drama, but don't ruin my ima-"


Iwaizumi punched Oikawa in the gut, while Kageyama stared up in admiration.

"Do it again! So cool!"

"Traitor!" Oikawa held his head in annoyance and pain. 


Kageyama kept his head down, walking through the halls. He hoped he didn't end up coming off rude if he bumped into someone. 

"Where are Iwa-nii and Kawa-nii when you need them...." 

Wow, how nice the heavens were to just make some random extra shove into him right at that moment.... so cliche....

"Huh? This is my locker, y'know?" The boy said, no harsh intentions but....

"Oi. Leave him alone." 

"Ack! Yes yes...." 

Kageyama tapped his brother. "He didn't do anything."

"But what if he did? Can't risk you getting hurt, Oikawa's going to make a fuss out of everything."

"Fair enough, such a drama queen dude." Kageyama rolled his eyes. 

"I HEARD THAT!" Oikawa ran at the speed of light to catch up with them, nearly grabbing their collars. 

"Tobio, on a count of three, run." Iwaizumi instructed. 

But Tobio had bolted off into who-knows where already. 


I'll probably make another of these, but with Osamu and Atsumu as his siblings :D

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