Kita's Family Pt.2

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To the person who requested this, I am so sorry it took me this long to get it out.....

*hugs* forgive me!


"Alright kids. Remember, we're going to the amusement park, but you need to behave, or else we're not ever going again." Kita warned. 

But would they listen? Kita knew they wouldn't, so he needed more drastic measures. "Iwaizumi and Aran are coming too." 

And that was when they knew, they were dead. Aran was alright, he was nice, sometimes strict but you could easily tell he cared, but Iwaizumi.....

Freaking scary. 

"Are you saying the really really uh...."

"Buff dude." Osamu completed Atsumu's sentence.

"And favors Kageyama." Suna added.

"Who doesn't" Sakusa sarcastically said. 

They were interrupted by the two tall figures walking over towards them. "Sorry we're late!" Aran called. 

"No worries, come on." Kita pointed to the building not too far away. 

They entered. Sakusa, Hoshiumi, Komori, Atsumu, and Osamu were all stiff, knowing that Iwaizumi was behind them. Kageyama was wearing his backpack, imagining himself as an adventurer. 

At the sight of roller coasters and all sorts of rides, they couldn't keep their composure.

"Hey! Let's go on that one!" Hoshiumi screamed. 

"Are you dumb!? We should go on the bumped cars first!" Atsumu yelled. 

"Nuh-uh! It's always spinning stuff!" Komori interfered.

"As long as it's clean, I'm good." Sakusa mumbled. 

"C-can we not go on the roller coasters?" 

Oh yeah, they had a six-year old here. They completely forgot about Kageyama. 

"Listen Tobio-kun, roller coasters are super fun! You get to go woosh!" Osamu explained, and Suna made the motion in the air. 

"But.....didn't you guys tell me people could fall off roller coasters and into a pit of lava?" The raven stammered, moving closer against Iwaizumi's leg. 

'Oh yeah, we did.' The five older boys looked at each other with the same reactions. 

Kita and Aran facepalmed, and Iwaizumi crossed his arms with metaphorical fire raging behind him. 

"Iwaizumi, Aran, take care of the five. I'll handle Kageyama." Kita instructed. 

"Yes sir!" Atsumu and Osamu joked, feeling the pain of a slap from Iwaizumi's hand. 

Kita took the little boy's hand. "So what do you want to do?" 

"No roller coasters, right?" Kageyama waved his hands around. 

"Of course not, but there are other things for you." Kita knelt down. "How does that look?" 

Kageyama's eyes lit up at what Kita was pointing at. "Let's go!"

After the two going on a few walks and rides, and both being pleasantly happy, Kageyama's stomach started to growl. 

"You're hungry, aren't you?" Kita asked. 

"N-No...." Kageyama crossed his arms. 

"Okay, okay, we'll get you something." He squatted, motioning for Kageyama to piggyback him. "Up you go!"

The rest of the day was peaceful for him and the little boy, where they "explored", as Kageyama called it (and he didn't accept disagreements) the park. 

Kita wished that peace wasn't ruined, but he was still happy that he could see the other kids again, not murdered by Iwaizumi of course. 

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