Bird Taming

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This story once again follows the Mage AU, but this time, it's just Bokuto and Kageyama living in the edges of a village taming birds, as the idea was in my BokuKage headcanons.


Bokuto stood on the roof of the house, sprinkling some seeds on the branches of the trees looming over it. Birds flew around, chirping happily as they took their food. Bokuto smiled widely, proud of himself.

"Bokuto san! Don't fall!" A raven haired boy called from the ground, holding a bag full of supplies. 

"Don't worry Kageyama! I won't!" The owled jumped down, helping the younger one unpack their load. 

"Thank you! Oh, and I think we need to go on another quest again. Akaashi-san gave me this map today and told me there was a disruption around this area." He pointed to a city on the map. "Some people say they've seen an abnormal creature, and we need to go check it out."

Bokuto was only listening to the "quest" and the "abnormal creature", but he had a general idea of what they were supposed to do.

"Okay! Let's get to it!" 

The two set off to the land they were going to, being careful and wary of the things along the way. When they arrived, the place was barren and empty, with only the occasional trees and dry leaves. 

"Huh? Where's everything?" Bokuto looked around with confused owl eyes, scanning the land. Kageyama also looked quite confused, not knowing what to do.

"Wait!" Bokuto stomped on the floor when it started rumbling. 

Kageyama turned around, nearly losing his balance before Bokuto pulled him close, protecting the boy. The ground suddenly stopped shaking, revealing a small entrance at the center of the clearing. 

Though cautious and wary of the surprises lying ahead, the two stepped into the entrance, following a dark, narrow path. 

At the end, a beautiful surprise was waiting for them. It was like.....a heaven for all sorts of winged creatures. Trees towering over the rocky pathways, an unknown but definitely strong source of light shining on the rocks, giving it a crystal-like hue, easy places to secure a good source of food, the place shocked the two tamers in awe.

A large, silvery black winged bird flew down and landed right in front of the them. 

"Greetings, brave travelers. State your business here." The bird boomed.

"Heya! We're here to uh, what were the details? Oh right! We're here to help heal some of your friends!" Bokuto joyfully answered.

The bird flew around the two, before nodding in approval. "You don't seem like bad people. However, I cannot allow you to-"

He was interrupted by a smaller bird, looking somewhat like an owl, flying down and tugging on Kageyama's sleeve, motioning them to follow it. They flew to a nook inside a tree. 

There, a bird with an injured wing was laid on a small bed of leaves. 

"Okay! Let's get to work!" Kageyama and Bokuto clapped their hands, and started their job.

Kageyama first unpacked the bag, and took out some containers of herbs and liquids. He started by placing a few herbs with some water onto the wing, letting it cool. He also fed some berries to the small bird, who chirped happily.

Bokuto inspected the injuries before helping Kageyama pick out the correct liquids to use. They worked together for the main process, and after a a while, the wing was bandaged up and nearly healed. 

"Just let him rest for a while, and his wing will be good to go!" Bokuto declared while ruffling Kageyama's hair, who was blushing from embarrasement.

The large bird, who they had assumed to be the guardian bird, used its wing to pat the two. 

"It seems I have evaluated you two wrongly. Your hearts are pure and kind. By all means, feel free to come back." 

The two smiled at each other happily, and decided to stay at the place for a little while.

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