How to train your Blueberry Child

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If you ever get a blueberry child who looks something like this:

If you ever get a blueberry child who looks something like this:

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Here's a set of instructions on how to train him :D


1. Feed him

- Make sure he gets his daily dose of milk every day. About 5 cartons a day should be enough.

- His favorite food is Pork Curry with an Egg on top. Do not spoil him with it though, even if the temptation is high.

- Get him meat buns at least three times a week. They refuel his energy quickly.

- In between, give him tasty and healthy meals :3

- Don't forget the Onigiri!


2. Sleep

- Make sure the child gets enough sleep. If he crashes, don't wake him up unless you have to. Let the boy have his rest.


3. Exercise

- Lil' blueberry boy loves to exercise. Especially playing a sport called volleyball. Give him time to do this or he gets grumpy :(


4. Attention

- WARNING: He is VERY clingy if he gets close to you. I wouldn't have a problem with it though, but be sure to give him some form of attention :D


5. If he gets a harem, support it.

- It's EXTREMELY likely he's going to get one, so don't be surprised when he does. Support him with all your heart, and protect him, mkay?

 Support him with all your heart, and protect him, mkay?

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