Kageyama in the Wizarding World

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If you haven't read/watched Harry Potter, I'm still guessing you know some information about it. 

If you don't, Harry Potter can basically be thought of as a magic AU, with the professors and teachers still the same. 

I haven't read it in a while so some details might be inaccurate but just know that:

1. Hagrid, Dumbledore, Snape, and all those people exist. Harry, Ron, and everyone in their time don't.

2. There's no real storyline, just the two of them being dorks together at Hogwarts for their first year (and you know what that means so uhhh..imma shut up)

I seriously don't know what I'm doing so enjoy.


"Sakusa I'm so nervous!" Kageyama tugged his shirt and hid behind his tall friend. They were all gathered at the dining hall, waiting for their turns at the sorting hat. 

Both were surprised that they got invitation to a wizard school while their friends didn't. Sakusa then discovered his aunt was a witch, but Kageyama, not having a family other than Miwa, didn't know at all. 

"Kageyama, Tobio!"

Kageyama slowly walked up to the stage. 

"Let's see......you're....no, that can't be, can it? You're certainly interesting. Alright, GRYFFINDOR IT IS!" The sorting hat announced.

"Kiyoomi, Sakusa!"

Kageyama nervously watched his best friend head up to the stage and put on the sorting hat.

"Oh? You want to be in the same house as your friend. Hmm....you have good qualities as well. GRYFFINDOR IT SHALL BE THEN!"

Sakusa gave a small smile and quickly headed over to sit next to Kageyama, avoiding any physical contact with anyone else.

(Don't argue. They will be in Gryffindor :D)

After the sorting ceremony was over, they dug into the feast. A third year known as Bokuto Kotaro spoke up.

"Hey hey hey! Yo Sakusa, why are you wearing that mask? You can take it off you know?"

Kageyama, noticing the dark aura coming from Sakusa, interjected. "Ah, he, uhhhh...well he just uses it for his safety. Please don't question it any more!" 

Bokuto raised an eyebrow, but nodded. 


"We have Charms first. I heard the teacher is quite skilled, but I don't think I'd be able to understand the class..." Kageyama said excitedly to his friend.

"If there's a spell that could clean the entire dormitory in an instant, someone teach me that." Sakusa muttered, loud enough for his friend to hear.

They entered Charms class, and began listening to the lectures. A while in, they were to try doing the levitating charm themselves. 

"Sakusa this is really hard-" Kageyama began until he saw his friend do it perfectly, earning claps and several stares.

"Good job Mr. Kiyoomi. It's been a while since I saw a student this this talented." Professor Flitwick praised.

Sakusa ignored them and proceeded to help his friend. "Here, you hold it like this. Then, pronounce it carefully. Like this." He demonstrated for his friend, and after a few tries, Kageyama got it.

"Osamu, those two are interesting." A certain Slytherin blonde said from the other side.

"Don't make a fuss, Atsumu." His brother replied. "Let's go talk to them."

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