SakuKage in AOT (+ Inarizaki)

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I'm sorry I can't remember who requested Haikyuu to go into Attack on Titan but I do know tobiomi asked for more SakuKage so here you go! Love ya and all my readers too!

Inarizaki is my favorite team don't @ me ;-;

Also is it just me or do I hear Haru Kato whenever Atsumu speaks? (Yes they have the same VA if you didn't know). Another beautiful reason to ship AtsuKage peeps ('Cause Kageyama looks like Daisuke :P)


"Morning!" Atsumu and Osamu waved to Kageyama and Sakusa, who was clinging tightly to his boyfriend. Kita and Suna nodded at the them. 

"The sky really is strange today, huh." Atsumu looked up. 

It really was. A blue, swirly dark color with a hint of green and brown. An ominous feeling was in the air. 

"Not as strange as you." 

"Shut 'yer trap Samu!" 

Out of nowhere, an white light struck down, directly at the group. Despite their efforts to dodge it, they were all hit and left unconscious. 


"What do we do with these people?"

"How should I know? I just found them left by a Titan warzone." 

"They don't look like they're from here."

Kita's eyes fluttered open to the sound of talking. He sat up and looked around at the arrangement of the room, and then his friends lying in several beds unconscious. As if by instincts, he checked to see if they were all okay. 

Sakusa immediately shot up by the feeling of someone touching him who wasn't Kageyama. 

"Kita-san? Where's my mask? Where's Tobio-kun?" 

"H-here." Kageyama lazily said as he stretched awake. He fumbled for a mask in his pockets and gave it to Sakusa, who put it on and hugged Kageyama.

Osamu and Atsumu woke up eventually. 

"So uh....where exactly are we?" Osamu asked.

"I don't know. This room seems pretty secluded for the most part." Kita answered, ignoring Sakusa's chants of "germs germs germs". 

"Oh good, mind explaining why you guys were lying in the middle of nowhere?" They spun around to face a short man. 

"Dang, he's shorter than Hinata." Atsumu commented. 

"Captain, not now. But seriously, what's up with you guys? You're quite interesting." Hange circled around them. 

"We don't know. Really, where are we?" 

"You don't know where you are? Amnesia maybe?"

"I wouldn't say so, since we still have memories." 

'Thank god for Kita's existence.' The other four thought.

Hange didn't looked convinced, but she let it go anyways. "You guys at least know about Titans right?" 

"Like in Transformers?" Atsumu asked. "The blue ones are my favorite. Forgot his name though."

"Like as in huge, mutated humanoid looking creatures?" Mikasa intervened.

"Jujutsu Kaisen?" Kageyama wondered.

"Gross." Sakusa said.

"Where are you guys from?" Eren questioned.


The squad looked at each other, sighing. They told the five to wait, and said that they were going to discuss a few things. Eventually they came back, and explained a bit of the situation to them, including what titans were and what they did. Then they led them to a much larger room, with what looked like blades and cannons on the side.

"Now your turn. How old are you? What do you do?" Levi turned this "supposed to be peaceful discussion" into an interrogation.

"Uh, we're around 15-16 and we're volleyball players." Osamu answered, somehow not intimidated.

"Can you demonstrate?" Mikasa gestured.

Kageyama nodded and picked up a ball conveniently lying on the side. It was a little larger and heavier than a normal volleyball, but he didn't care. He threw it up, letting the light from the window hit the ball, before spiking it with full force. 

The ball slammed down to the ground with a noticeable bam, somewhat denting the wooden walls.

"HOW THE *BEEP* DID YOU DO THAT?" Eren screamed. Levi was just shocked, and the rest were just as surprised.

"Not bad not bad, but that was a little off, Tobio-kun." Atsumu smiled. Sakusa clapped and clung onto his boyfriend again, while Kageyama proudly smiled.

"He has strength. Should we train the five until they can get home?"



Shorts (Because I didn't feel like writing an entire story)

Levi: *Busy cleaning the storage room*

Sakusa: Ugh it's so dirty in here *Pulls out cleaning supplies from who-knows-where and starts cleaning*

Levi: *Impressed*

Sakusa: *Impressed*

[Two days later]

Levi and Sakusa: We are the cleaning police. 



Atsumu: *Shoves Levi and Suna in a room together, locks the doors*



Mikasa: *walks up to Kageyama and pats him on the head*

Kageyama: *Doesn't have an issue with it and lets her*

Mikasa: Cute. Like a little brother.

[And that's how Kageyama got an older sister that wasn't Miwa.]

Sakusa: *Runs and pulls Kageyama away to hug him*

Suna: *Filming*


Kita: Osamu, can you go wake up your brother?

Osamu: *grumbles* sure.

[Walks to his room, grabs a book, and whacks it on his brother's stomach.]

Osamu: Oh good you're awake.

Kageyama: *terrified and runs to Sakusa*

Suna: *Filming again*


Sorry my brain was dead when I was writing this.

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