Kageyama as Oikawa's Senpai, Final.

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"Y-you're going to be leaving? High school? But...but...." Oikawa's eyes filled with tears, trying his best not to cry.

It was right after Kageyama's graduation ceremony, and not something Oikawa wanted to happen at all. He wanted to be with his upperclassman for as long as possible.

"You can come over to my house whenever you're done with school, or just visit me. I'm fine with either." Kageyama patted him.

"O-ok.." Oikawa wiped his tears, which Kageyama chuckled at.

"Here, take this." The raven placed a small object in the brunette's hand. "My pin, you have it. Take it, and I give you my position."

Now, Oikawa was full on crying and hugging. He was happy and sad at the same time.

"Yes sir!" He saluted.


"Kageyama!!! There's someone waiting for you!!" Hinata screamed. "By the way, he looks reallly annoying."

Kageyama rolled his eyes, not caring for what Hinata said at first, but when he saw who was at the gym door, he immediately kicked Hinata.

Oikawa smiled and ran in. Thankfully, it was their break, so he wasn't disrupting anything. He hugged Kageyama and shook him a bit.

"Woah! Dude is that your boyfriend?" Noya said it as a joke, but Kageyama looked up and thought for a bit.

"Well, it would be nice. I suppose you could say so." He answered with a genuine smile, surprising everyone.

Oikawa blushed furiously, squeezing Kageyama tighter. "Stopppppp! Hmph..."


"It does make sense, as much as I hate it, the girls in the grade all talk about how good looking he is." Hinata scowled.

"Who exactly?" Oikawa leaned in closer.

"Uhmm....i don't remember names....." The team felt shivers up their spine, except for Kageyama.

"Tch, useless." Oikawa sighed.

'Well, that's one strange boyfriend you got there.' The team thought.

Well, nobody really questioned it when some of the girls had suddenly stopped talking or gossiping about others.


"Oikawa, morning!" Kageyama smiled and shook the brunette up.

Oikawa yawned and clung onto Kageyama, refusing to let him go for the entire morning, as usual.

"I want milk bread....."

"We'll get you some, we'll get you some..." Kageyama sighed.

"I don't want to work today. I'm going to tell my boss one of my friends went to the ER and I need to look after them." Oikawa sighed, squeezing his boyfriend tighter.

"Want me to help you make that happen?" Kageyama asked

"Why not?" Oikawa innocently smiled back.


Disclaimer and warning. Please do know that relationships involving obsessiveness and any form or crime are unhealthy. I do not condone them in the matter of real life. I do not encourage them either. Yes, I may write about them, but please, do help or ask for help if this ever happens in real life.

They don't make them look hotter like they do in anime, alright?

Thank you.

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