SunaKage || Mornings

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"Mhm, his house is pretty nice. Time to barge in." Suna unlocked the door to his boyfriend's house and waltzed in like he owned the place, making his way up to a certain room.

Quietly opening the door, he snuck in before tackling the raven laying on the bed.

"....Suna?" Kageyama curled himself in a blanket, too tired to say or do anything else.

"Woah you sound - Don't tell me...." Suna's blissful expression immediately turned sour.

"You idiot! How many times do I have to remind you to stop practicing even when it's dark out? God even the shrimp knows better than you, and that says a lot." He scolded, which was extremely rare, but didn't surprise Tobio.

Well, he expected it anyways.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Bruh is that all you have to say?"

Tobio didn't respond, only snuggling in the comfort of his blankets more. Finally, he spoke again. "Let me hold your hand, it's cold."

Suna rolled his eyes and held his hand, which was ironically warm to his cold ones. Did Kageyama care? No. Suna smiled.

"A deal then?"


"I'll visit you and stay over for the entire summer break, but you'll stop practicing late for the rest of the year. How about that?" Suna ruffled Kageyama's hair.

For Tobio, this was the hardest but greatest deal he's been offered in his life. He finally came to his decision.

".....fine....just don't leave me, okay?"

"No wonder you're a dumbass. Why the hell would I leave you?" He snuggled into the blankets with his boyfriend.

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