Kageyama Harem Scenarios

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......just enjoy, okay?


Kageyama: Ushijima, Tendo, what are you doing here?

Tendo: We're just here to borrow you for a bit.

Ushijima: We'll return you when we feel like it.



Noya: What's it like to have a harem?

Kageyama: Imagine having 9 different people calling you different names and you don't know which one to respond to, and they're all so overly protective of you that even if you go to the bathroom for one moment they immediately cuddle you the next.

Noya: How about having no boyfriends at all and forever lonely?


Osamu: What can you do? I can cook for him, you know?

Atsumu: ...............

Osamu: I knew it.



Tsukishima: Guys, where's my knife?

Daichi: 'Scuse me? Your what now?

Suga: His knife, duh?

Asahi: Why-

Suga and Tsukishima: So in case anyone dares to touch Kageyama without our permission we can make sure their heart never beats again :)

Noya and Tanaka: *Nervous laughter*


Akaashi: Bokuto's emo mode is annoying to deal with. 

Akaashi: But you know what's more annoying?

Akaashi: Kageyama without his milk boxes.

Akaashi: He gets really needy, very annoyed, and goes feral if you try to touch him.

Akaashi: Also the cutest kind of Kageyama ever. 


Teacher: Mind explaining why you're late to class, Kageyama?

Kageyama: A salt bag told me to go to hell. I couldn't find it at first. 

Kageyama: But here I am, and here I will suffer.


Kuroo: *At the end of the date* So...what are we?

Kageyama: Japanese. 


Oikawa: I would walk through fire for Tobio-chan. 

Oikawa: Well, not fire, because that's dangerous. Maybe a super humid room, yeah. 

Oikawa: Not too humid though, because, y'know, my hair?

Sugawara: You're not worthy of my child, leave. 


Tsukishima: Yo Kageyama, Suna likes you. 

Suna: You promised not to tell. 

Tsukishima: Well Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia, Suna. Welcome to the real world. 

Kageyama: *Ignores Tsukishima* Another member of my harem, welcome!


Kageyama: When I was small-

Tsukishima: You were cute as hell. End of the story. 

Kageyama: No, I thought pillows were unsweetened marshmallows.

Tsukishima: Cute and dumb, even better. 


Kuroo: If I die, donate my entire body to science. 

Kuroo: Except for my middle finger, give that to Daishou. He broke his promise of leaving Kageyama alone. 


Hinata: How do I approach her? Come on, I need a good pick-up line!

Daichi: How about you compliment her first? Or a pick up line, like, "How are you doing?"

Kageyama: Or, "Are you hungry?"

Bokuto: Just marry me already. 

[A/n: If you get the reference you get a cookie :3]


Todoroki: How would soba bubble tea taste like?

Giyuu: Not that bad.

Kageyama: And how would you know?

Giyuu: *Looks nervously at Ray* Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, child. 



Giyuu: For the last time Kageyama, I am not showing you the 11th form. 

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