Tobio Kageyama-Kambe

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New cover for our precious blueberry boi :3

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New cover for our precious blueberry boi :3

You saw the title, you know what's going on. Yes, Daisuke Kambe as Kageyama's older sibling!

Don't worry, Miwa's going to be here too :D


Kageyama kicked the blanket as he woke up with a loud yawn. Beside him, he heard the worst invention to ever exist, and punched it so it would shut up. 

"OI TOBIO! Get your lazy dumbbutt out of bed and down here now!" Miwa yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"No." He locked the door, grabbed his blanket, and went back to sleep. 

Then there was a loud bang, and the door forcibly opened. Tobio immediately sat up, grabbed the damned alarm clock, and threw it at the door.

"Ow." Kageyama's eyes widened at the voice.

"DAISUKE?" He said, completely shocked. 

"You sound like you don't want to see me." 

"It's literally 6 in the morning on a beautiful Saturday, until someone decided to disturb my sleep."

"I feel offended." 


The two continued to bicker, and Miwa and Haru could only sigh in defeat. They knew the two really loved each other, just that Kageyama's sass and Daisuke's sarcasm never got along.

"Now, Tobio, add us to the groupchat." Miwa smirked, and the boy just rolled his eyes.

"If you ever gain my respect, sure." Miwa pretended to look shocked and offended at his words. 

"Hey, how about we go out first and you guys show us around Miyagi? Then you guys can sort out whatever you need to." Haru said, way too tired to deal with the crap Daisuke's family had to offer.

"SHOPPING SPREE!!!" Miwa screamed.

"NO! NONONONONO!" Tobio screamed louder. 

Daisuke just sat there clapping at the madness. Haru looked like he wanted to drown himself.


The four headed out to the downtown streets. Tobio forced Daisuke (well, all he had to do was ask and say why because Daisuke loves his brother too much) to wear some normal clothes so he wouldn't stand out. Still, that didn't stop anyone from looking at the four. Like how are they so pretty!?

Daisuke slung is arms over his younger brother. "Mkay so where are we going?"

"Cafe, so I can get my milkshakes." Tobio responded proudly.

"Remind me to buy you a company or food chain that sells good milkshakes." 

"REALLY DAISUKE??!!!" The clear excitement and happiness in his voice made Haru chuckle.

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