SakuKage at the Store

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"Sakusa, you don't need to zip your jacket that high, there's not a lot of people here." Kageyama looked at his boyfriend.

"Hmph. What do we need anyways?"

"Miwa asked me to buy some groceries, that's it. It'll be quick, I promise."

Sakusa sighed, knowing that "quick" would be slow because Kageyama would get distracted pretty quickly.

But he didn't expect himself to get distracted by a certain section.

"Kageyama, wait a moment. I'm going to get something." He hurried off, leaving the raven confused.

When he came back, he dumped a bunch of things into the cart, his eyes gleaming.

"Sakusa... what are all these cleaning supplies?" Kageyama raised an eyebrow at the Lysol, alcohol wipes, and cleaning liquids on top of the fresh fruits.

"You can never have enough of these, end I need to save some for my Tobio Defense Pack."

"Your what now?"

"If someone tries to hurt you, I spray them with alcohol. You didn't know?" Sakusa smirked behind his mask.

"T-that's mean!" Was what Tobio had said, yet he was visibly blushing.

"Come on, let's go finish what you need to buy and get out of here. And no, you are not allowed to take those out." Sakusa chuckled, pleased at the other's reaction.

"Fine, but you better give me extra cuddles, and make me dinner."

"Oh alright."

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