Kageyama, you've become a child! || KuroKage

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"Kageyama?" Kuroo tilted his head, and sighed.

He'd left Kageyama alone in the house to go get some drinks, but the second he came back, he found a child that looked exactly like his boyfriend. 

"Hello? Are you Tobio's little brother? But he didn't tell me that he had one...." The child looked about four or five.

"I am Kageyama Tobio! W-Who are you?" The boy started to get defensive.

"Uhm, I'm Kuroo Tetsuroo, and you're in my house...."

"Sorry! But this is where I woke up at? Are you a kidnapper? Grandpa said kidnappers are bad...." Tobio shivered.

Kuroo sighed and handed him a drink, or, his favorite drink. "I'm not a kidnapper. I'm a good friend of your mom, and she left me with you for a while, okay?"

He was decent enough at lying that the boy believed him. 

"Oh! I see! Thank you for the drink!" The boy smiled before observing the living room. Well, more like running around and pointing at things.

"Volleyball!" He laughed. "I wanna play volleyball!" 

"Eh? Do you know how to play?" Kuroo asked. 

Kageyama shook his head fiercely, then nodded it, confusing the older male. 

"Well....here. Try putting your hands like this. Now, I'll toss the ball, and try to hit it." Kuroo instructed. 

They failed the first time, but Kageyama was stubborn and yelled that he wasn't going to give up until he hit it. After a few tries, he was able to get it up though. Kuroo chuckled at the sight, and secretly took a picture. 

"I'm hungry..." Kageyama immediately whined afterwards. 

"What do you want to eat?" Kuroo asked, patting the boy. Just like the good 'ol Tobio, the boy loved headpats and nuzzled his head into his hand.

"Anything! Just want food!" He made a huge movement with his hands. 

Kuroo went to the kitchen and fixed up a small meal, while Kageyama struggled to get on the chair. 

"Up you go." He picked up the little child and placed him on the seat, with a cushion on it so he could see above the table. 

"Do it again!" 


Kageyama laughed and made an up motion, and Kuroo understood. He picked up the child and lightly raised him high in the air, before putting him back in his seat, leaving him laughing. 

Kageyama stuffed his face with the food, before being cleaned up by Kuroo. 

"Kids are a pain to take care of, but if its my kitten, I guess I don't mind." Kuroo wiped the last bits of rice from the boy's face.

"Kitten?" The raven asked innocently. 

"Nothing nothing." 

In the end, he watched some kids movie with him before tucking him on the couch, and he definitely didn't miss any opportunity to take a picture. 


"Ouch!" Kageyama rubbed his head as he sat up. 

"Good afternoon, kitten." Kuroo hung over the couch. 

"Mhm, Kuroo. Did I sleep until afternoon?" He asked before embracing his boyfriend in a hug.  

"I suppose you could say that. By the way, you were adorable as a child." 

"Don't tease me...." 


Okay but is it bad to say I watched Haikyuu for Kageyama? Like, my friend sent me a Haikyuu gif where Kageyama was serving and that's when I got into it....

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