KuroKage || Click

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Warning: Angst (I'm sorryyyy)

You guys can imagine what Kuroo is in this chapter. 


Kuroo stared up at the ceiling, before rolling over and hugging a pillow. Snuggling into a blanket, he closed his eyes and hoped that he could fall asleep to the gentle sound of rain. 

"Kageyama....why aren't you home yet?" Kuroo squeezed the pillow tighter, grasping on to it like it was the last thing he could ever have to hold on to his sanity. 

He heard the door click, and immediately ran towards it without another thought. 

"Kageyama!" He said ever-so-excitedly, but his smile faded as he saw there was no one there. 

Closing the door, he dropped himself on the couch, watching the rain stain the windows. 

He heard the door click once again, and ran towards it to open it, praying to the heavens that it was his boyfriend. 

But no one was there. 

Closing the door once more, he went to the kitchen this time, and filled a cup of water, hoping to soothe himself. 

Yet he heard the click again, and he opened the door. There was no one there, on the mat, there was a letter. 

He excitedly opened it, but it was a blank, white paper. Nothing was written on it. 

 A cycle that continued over and over again, until he could take it no longer. He screamed loudly, and cried until he could cry no more. 

But what was he hoping for anyways? No matter how much he wished, how much he prayed, how many he plotted to kill for his revenge....

He would never come back. 

Kuroo could only cling to the hallucinations, to the memories and the little world he had created to make himself believe that the boy was alive. 

Years, no, centuries passed, and Kuroo watched it all. To what the people would call the present, Kuroo had taken the form of a volleyball player growing up in Japan, captain of the Nekoma team. 

And the clicking never stopped. He heard it every day, every hour, every minute, and he could never enjoy himself. No matter how many people he hung out with, how many "friends" he had made.

But he couldn't believe his eyes. The perfect blue eyes that seemed to see everything. The silky, raven colored hair that flowed gently with every movement. Everything he wanted. 

Everything he needed. 

And the clicking had stopped. 

"Kuroo-san, do you want to practice volleyball with me?"


Incase you're confused, Kageyama is reincarnated. 

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