¢нαρтєя 55| ωнαт'ѕ gσιη ση?💛

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A/N:Just a lil sum til shit gets real🌚🌝

"Girl all I'm sayin is, his dick was big and my throat was deep." Ke'Andre states as he filed his nails

Phoenix looked up form her phone and sticker her tongue out, "She don't choke."

Ke'Andre did the same and stuck his tongue out, "And don't, no gaggie for daddy."

They both held they're hands out like they was shooting a basketball and screamed out, "Score."

"Whyyy are y'all like thisss?" I asked as I laid back on the bed

It's been about two weeks since the whole party thing and no lie, I loved it. It was so fun just being in a different atmosphere besides the house, school and work for a change. I really enjoyed myself and lowkey wanna do it again but with more people. Lately I've been in the most happiest mood.

Me and Zion celebrated Valentines Day with together and it was so fun. We went to Olive Garden, and exchanged gifts. He brought me a teddy bear that was hugging a heart and in the heart was our first initials sewn on it. Zion also brought me the
Turtles candy some more Crocs and some stuff from Victoria Secret and Pink. He also brought me a matching butterfly necklace that went with my bracelet he got me for Christmas.

I on the other hand brought him a teddy bear as well. I remember him telling me he wasn't allowed to have teddy bears growing up cause his dad said that it was for little girls and if he got one he was gay so he wasn't allowed to have one which was stupid, in my opinion. So yeah I brought him that, some more cologne, a couple shirts from NIKE, some sweat pants, shoes and matching crocs that matched my blue ones.

After our gift exchange and going out to eat we went to this arcade place called Round One which is so fun.

I'm also happy because I have one more therapy session with Ms.Lisa tomorrow. It's crazy how I've been going to therapy for three months already and it's coming to an end. I'm kinda sad that I'm not gonna be able to see Ms.Lisa anymore but I know if I feel myself slipping back into my old habits, she's one call away.

So yeah I've been good. Everything has been good. But....I personally have this gut feeling that something is about to go down. Ion know when, or why. But I just feel it in soul that it's coming sooner then I think. It's scary cause I've been having this feeling for like three days now, and it's giving me a damn headache.

Anyways, moving on. Right now I'm chillin in the room with the ghetto twins, Ke'Andre and Phoenix. Me and Phoenix didn't have to work today, so after my session. They called me asking if they could come over and chill for a little bit. Of course I asked Ms.Apryl and she said yeah.

Speaking of Ms.Apryl, y'all seen how low she been? Even though she went to Atlanta to see her new grandchild, she also been caked up with Officer Adams. Yes chile, he been coming over late nights and leaving early mornings. He be tryna sneak out of her bedroom in the morning before me and Zion wake up and go to the bathroom but that man been caught so many times.

Zion has been kinda giving him a hard time, but what boy don't give they momma's boyfriends a hard times? It be so hilarious though one morning, Zion said he had a Jody and Melvin moment. He said he smelt breakfast cooking and thought it was his mom but when he came downstairs he seen Officer Adams, in the kitchen half naked cooking eggs and bacon. Y'all should've seen his face when he was explaining it to me, his face was red as hell. I was rolling.

Ms.Apryl and Officer Adams, are so cute together, they be having these weekly date nights things and she be spending the night at his house. She think she grown wit her little fast tail. But they are absolutely the cutest. That's actually what we are waiting on, Ms.Apryl to come back in the room and show us her date outfit. I did her hair and makeup by the way, she look so good.

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