¢нαρтєя 27| тнαηкѕgινιηg ρт.1💛

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A/N: Not edited sorry 🥴


It was later in the day and my family members was filling into the house. Everybody loved coming over to momma house for thanksgiving cause she's the best cook. After her mother died which is my grandmother of course, everybody kinda like went their separate ways. Momma didn't like how everybody just stopped liking each other so she somehow found a way to get them all together twice a year one during the summer like the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.

Coming down the stairs, I heard laughter coming from the living room. Being nosy I headed in there and smiled while seeing my Uncle Blue, Uncle Bean  and my cousin Jon-Jon.  These three are honestly my favorite family members. They all goody as hell, speak what's on their mind and don't give a fuck what people think when they say what they said.

Uncle Blue is my momma older brother. He's a mechanic and build cars from scratch. He got four kids name Mike,Tae-Tae, Taylor and Tayla, y'all will meet them in a little bit. He lives here in Wisconsin but barely come around unless you owe him some money and he need it back. He's the laid back Uncle and let you do anything you want if he's watching you.

Uncle Bean is my momma youngest brother. He is a radio DJ here, for this radio station called WTMJ. This nigga know every damn song from country, hip-hop, classic music, anything you can think of he know it and what year it came out. He got four kids as well which you will meet later also.

My dumbass cousin Jon-Jon is what I just called him a dumbass. Nah I'm playing, but Jon is the goofiest nigga alive. He's not my cousin for real, he's like that family friend that's been around since forever and you call them your cousin cause they became family. Yeah that's Jon-Jon, I honestly don't know where he came from or who his momma is but he been around since before I was born. Jon sell weed with Zander, I think he tryna get out the business and become a comedian full time.

All three of these niggas will have you dying laughing for no reason at all. It's like you have to prepare yourself when they talk cause whatever comes out their mouth is something stupid.

Jon-Jon was the first to see me and screamed"Ahhh wassup cuz!You still build like a windshield wiper!" He punched me in the arm

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Jon-Jon was the first to see me and screamed"Ahhh wassup cuz!You still build like a windshield wiper!" He punched me in the arm.

"Wassup Jon-Jon? You still build like that alien from Men In Black!" I shot back, all he did was scream. This is me and Jon 24/7 always roasting each other for no reason. I turned around and faced Uncle Bean "Wassup Unc? You still got a big ass head."

"Don't start with me young blood,I'll hurt ya feelings." He warned me, he so sensitive about his head, I swear it be funny as hell.

"I'm just playing damn." I turned to Uncle Blue who was standing up,

" My favorite Nephew in the building! Wassup boy?!" He stood up and dapped me up.

"Damn I thought I was your favorite."

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