¢нαρтєя 14|ƒ*¢к ωнαт ρєσρℓє тнιηк!💛

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"Ayeee can I come in?!"

"Yes you may!"

Walking into Sevyn's bedroom, I seen her criss-cross applesauce on the bed in the same yellow sweater she had on earlier today with some black sweat pants on. She was playing a card game with my momma's cards that was downstairs in the kitchen drawer.Today was her first day back at school and I wanted to see how her first back was. And just chill with her for a few.

"Wassup, Kidd. How your first day back?" I asked hopping on her bed, this shit high as fuck

"It was okay, I just had to make up the work that I missed. But other then that, it was good." She spoke not even looking up from playing her card game

"That's good. I'm glad you back?"


"How you like living here? I mean I know you been here a few days but how you like it?"

"Uhm. It's coo, I appreciate Ms.Apryl bringing me here. She ain't have to do that, but I like it I guess."

"You guess or you know?"

She looked at me while I made a goofy face, Sevyn chuckled and shook her head "Ion know."

"Well what you expect you lock yourself in your room all day."

" I'm just used to staying in the room. Ion like being in people's way." She shrugged

"You live here now, you can sit in the living room and watch tv, eat dinner and shit with us, we won't bite."

"I just like being alone."

"Well nigga break that damn habit, cause it irks my nerves. I be wanting to talk to you and you just be in here chillin by yourself."

She bust out laughing surprising the hell outta me, this deadass my first time seeing her crack a smile let alone laugh "I'm sorry, but me being alone and chillin by myself is irking your nerves?"


"Why?! It's not that serious."

"It is cause I be wanting to get to know you."

"You got to know me when we played that game, uhm... 21 questions."

"That's not the same, I want to know what you like doing when your home, how you really is when you be alone and shit."

"You don't wanna know what I do when I'm alone at home." She chuckled shaking her head

"Yes I do. I gotta know."

"Nooo, you want to know you ain't gotta know nothing."

"You right, but I still would like to know."

She stopped her card game and looked at me "You don't wanna see that side of me. I'm crazy."

"So you is a psychopath?"

"No I am not. What I mean by that is, I have to be around you a long periodically time to show you my real personality. Ion know you like that so I'm keeping my distance. Now what time does your mom get off work?"

"Periodically?" I looked at her confused on what she meant by that. "Like at six why?"

"Can you take me to the grocery store please? I'll pay for gas." She asked hopping off the bed

"Her short ass" I thought shaking my head laughing

"Oh now you wanna ride with me."

"Okay I feel like you tryna start beef with me, what's the problem?"

"Nah I'm just sayin, you want me to take you to the store but not take you to school and back."

"Zion, it's not that serious. I just don't want you to feel like you have to do something you don't want to do."

"But I want to. We going to the same place, why not ride together?"

"To embarrass you and have people make fun of me? Tuh, nah fam I'm good with the bus." She mumbled going through her bag but I heard her

"Embarrass me like how?" I asked sitting up, I'm confused as to how imma be embarrassed by letting her ride with me to get to school

Sevyn exhaled and looked up from her bag, the turned to me "Ion want people to poke fun at you cause your dropping me off. You shouldn't be getting embarrassed for me so I'll just take the city bus while you drive to school. It's not that big of a deal."

"Fuck what people think Sevyn!" I spoke loudly making her jump, I ain't mean to do that so I took a deep breath and spoke "Look starting tomorrow we gone ride to school and back. No and, buts about it. Ight?"


"Come on so we can go to the store." I said walking out her room.

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