¢нαρтєя 36| "ωнαт'ѕ нєя яєαѕση?"💛

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"Are you aware that you have to go to through four months of therapy?" The Doctor asked me

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"Are you aware that you have to go to through four months of therapy?" The Doctor asked me

Me and Ms.Apryl had a long conversation about me attending therapy. I personally didn't want to go because I feel like I don't need help. But Ms.Apryl begged me to go because she feel like I need to talk to professionals about my problems. It was a lot of arguing and as you can see Ms.Apryl won....Pretend I rolled my eyes.

Looking over at Ms.Apryl who gave me a slight smile, I nodded my head, "Y-Yes I'm aware."

"Good, you will do half days from school. So you will go to school from eight in the morning to twelve in the afternoon. You will go to group therapy from twelve o'clock to four o'clock. There will be a driver taking you from the therapy group to your home."

(A/N:It might seem not real on how he explained her schedule. But that's how the doctor told me, so I'm going off of what I remembered🥴😭.)

"When do I start?"

"Next week Monday, we want you to get a fresh start." He smiled, "Your prescription for that headache will be upfront once your legal guardian sign you out. You arefree to go home at three o'clock Ms.Daniels you have about thirty minutes." He stated walking out the door

Today I'm finally out of this place. Happy is an understatement, all I want to do is go to Ms.Apryl home and go sleep. I didn't get enough sleep here because nurses kept coming in here every twenty minutes to check up on me. It was honestly so annoying and when I get deep in my sleep here they go "Honey I'm just checking up on you." Like lady can I get a hour of sleep?!

Sorry I'm cranky.

"Did Officer Adam and Larissa come and talk to you yesterday about what they found?" Ms.Apryl asked, while sitting in the chair next to the hospital

After I told Ms.Apryl officer friends my side of the story and who I seen which was Janae and Eric. They wanted me to think if there was any other person in the bathroom with them, and honestly I don't even know because I was unconscious on the floor half of the time, but I did see their faces specially when Janae was talking about some money that I supposedly stole from her. Which is not true cause why the hell would I go back to her house? I told myself when I ran away I wouldn't step foot back in her house. I'll rather die then go in that damn house, so what ever she was talking about is a lie.

"Uhm no not after I told them who attacked me." I shrugged playing with my necklace

"Did they tell you that Phoenix seen a lady face that came out the bathroom with Janae and Eric?"

"No they didn't tell me that part. They just asked if it was another person in the bathroom with them." I looked at her while she looked away, " Ms.Apryl was it three people that attacked me?" Now I'm confused. I know that Janae and Eric did this but who the hell was the other person?, "W-What did Phoenix say?"

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