¢нαρтєя 21|ƒαмιℓу мαттєяѕ ρт.1 💛

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Few days later....

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I mumbled walking up the door steps

"Baby just calm down. We gonna say happy birthday to granny, mingle then we can finish our project." Leon spoke ringing the doorbell

"Leon I haven't been here in what? Ten years. You really think she want to see me?"

"Sevyn, you just said she ain't see you in ten years. Of course she wanna see you. Shit everybody do." I looked at him and back at the door. He knocked and we waited

My nerves was getting the best of me, all these thoughts just ran through my head and it feel like I'm hyperventilating. Like I said I haven't been here in forever and all the memories of this house is getting to me. This house was the last time I ever seen my dad living. Of course I'm gonna feel some type of way cause I feel his spirit surrounding this house. Leon grabbed my hand and squeezed it "You got this baby."

"Who is it?!" The person yelled from behind the door

"Ma, it's me!"

"Me who?!"

"Man, Leon! Can you open the door it's cold!"

Seconds later we hear locks being unlocked and reviled my auntie Faith. There was a time where me and her was close cause I felt like she get and understood me, I called her momma more then I called Janae momma. She always was nice to me and gave me that motherly love that I never felt before. Until I felt she didn't feel it anymore. She was the first person I told that Janae abused me,before it got way worse then it was. She said she was gonna come and get me, but never came. Actually a few days after  that she moved to Miami and never came back for me and I had to suffer. I actually found out some stuff that hurt my and broke my heart  because I thought we was family.

No lie, Tee-Tee Faith is a beautiful brown skinned woman, who had passion twist that was flowing down her back. Her make up was beautiful and bright. Edges slayed and all.
Tee-Tee Faith was on the thick side like me. Which made me happy that we could relate to things that people wouldn't understand, we basically the same, well besides her not giving a fuck about what she's wearing . She don't care that she's  showing off a little stomach or skin. Her confidence is super high!

"Hi Sonny boy!"She coo'd saying his childhood nickname, while squeezing his cheeks once we stepped in to the warm and toasted house

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"Hi Sonny boy!"She coo'd saying his childhood nickname, while squeezing his cheeks once we stepped in to the warm and toasted house

"Ma, c'mon now."

"Boy shut up, I just wanna love on you." Faith laughed then turned to me "Well who is this cutie? Your girlfriend?"

I stood there awkwardly. She really don't remember me?.

"Ew, nah this ain't my girlfriend." He scrunched his face up

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭| 𝐀 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 | Where stories live. Discover now