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Sitting in the bedroom in criss-cross applesauce position, on the bed listening to music on Pandora, I was also reading this book called Concrete Rose by Dee_Rae

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Sitting in the bedroom in criss-cross applesauce position, on the bed listening to music on Pandora, I was also reading this book called Concrete Rose by Dee_Rae.
(A/N:This book is so good btw it's on Wattpad! ☺️) It was Tuesday and I finished all my homework for today. I didn't have to work either and I was bored out of my mind, so I decided to read. Something that I always do when I don't have nothing else to do.

Tomorrow is our last day of school for thanksgiving break. Ms. Apryl was really serious when she said she wanted me to help her cook for it too. So I will be busy with her doing that. At least it'll keep me occupied and not sitting on my ass all day.

A sudden knock on the door made me look up.

"Come in." I answered, in came in Zion

The past week have been very much...awkward between us. No lie I'm the one that's making it awkward cause I'm avoiding him. After the whole locking me out the house joke, I've been very quiet. Only because I'm embarrassed. I'm more embarrassed then mad. Okay I'm a little mad at him but more embarrassed because I couldn't control my hyperventilation. It's just when he locked me out it reminded me of when Janae locked me in the basement, I could barely move in there. What I experienced last week was an mini panic attack. I know he didn't mean no harm. It was just me being a fucked up person.

But best believe I'm getting that ass back. Pretend I'm smirking right now so you know I'm serious. No? Okay.

"Hey. Can I come in?" He asked all soft

"I mean your already in." I shrugged flipping the page of my book

He hopped on the bed and put his head on my thigh

Woah big fella you getting too comfortable now!

"What you doing?"

I  just looked at him,"Reading a book."

"What kinda book?"

"A book that you read."

"I know that you smart ass. I meant what the name of the book your reading?"

"Man, Zion no disrespect but is there something you need I kinda like wanna be alone until my company come."

"Man I just came in her to see wh- wait you got company coming over?"

"Yeah Phoenix coming over to get her hair done. I already ask your mom if it was okay
and she agreed."

"Oh okay." He shook his head


I went back to my book for a good minute or two until he spoke again

"Can you stop avoiding me me? I said I was sorry."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭| 𝐀 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 | Where stories live. Discover now