¢нαρтєя 34| тιяє∂ 💛

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Don't play this if you don't want to cry💀😭

A/N:Let me know if this chapter make sense 😭 (Remember all this is from the top of my head it's not planned or anything)☺️🤦🏽‍♀️. Also this chapter kinda hits home for me so I'm like up at three in the morning crying💀😭


A frightened Phoenix sat in the chair in the waiting room of Froedtert Hospital. She sat shaking in her seat biting her nails, as tears streamed down her face. Many scenarios and questions she wanted to be asked roamed through her head. She had a lot of what if's and what she would've did if she was there to help her friend out. Seeing her best friend on the floor clothes ripped off her body, bruised and not responding traumatized her. She never seen anything like that before.

"Everything will be fine baby." Her mother Patrice assured her

Not believing it Phoenix shook her head letting her left loose from her mother's grip, "Ma you don't know that. I-I should've went with her! It's my fault mommy."

"Baby no it's not! You didn't know that, that was gonna happen to Sevyn. I don't want to ever hear that come out your mouth again. You understand?"

Sighing Phoenix shook her head, "Yeah." Leaning her head on her mom's shoulder she grabbed her hand again making her mom squeeze her hand to let her know she's here for her.

Across the waiting room Ms.Apryl made it up towards the second floor. Her heart was racing and her palms was sweaty. When Phoenix called her, Ms.Apryl dropped everything and came here to be by Sevyn side. She didn't care if she was cooking or not she just wanted to be by her baby's side.

"Hi I'm looking for Sevyn Daniels, her friend called and said that she was rushed to this hospital." Ms. Apryl spoke once she made it to the receptionist desk.

The lady at the front desk nodded her head and typed on the computer, as she was doing so Ms.Apryl seen Phoenix nervously shaking her legs while leaning on her mom's shoulder.

Saying a quick thank you to the receptionist for her time, Ms.Apryl made her way towards the scared child. Kneeling down to where Phoenix could see her face she seen how stuck she was


Looking up Phoenix didn't do anything but jump into Ms.Apryl arms saying only two words, "I'm sorry" over and over again. Her face was filled with hot sweat tears, "I should've went with her Ms.Apryl, I should've been by her side at all cost I swear I didn't know that this was gonna happen." She cried

"P-Phoenix, Phoenix'!" Ms.Apryl semi yelled to grab her attention, once she calmed down, Ms Apryl spoke. "This is not your fault. I don't want you to blame yourself for something that you didn't have control over. The only fault that is is the sick person that did it, not you."

Phoenix shakily shook her head letting her know she understood what Ms.Apryl was saying. They both took a seat, Phoenix in the chair next to her mother and Ms.Apryl next to her holding her hand. Both silently praying that Sevyn will be okay.


The ladies have been waiting for a good forty-five minutes to get an update. Ms.Apryl phone has been ringing for some time now but she just ignored it knowing it's her kids wondering where she ran off to. One thing Ms.Apryl hated when she left the house was her kids calling her like she not grown. She put her phone on mute, then looked up seeing one of her friend Adam who is a police officer.

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