¢нαρтєя 30|"нєℓρ мє σя ωнαт?!"💛

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A/N: Y'all spoiled🙄. But I love y'all so whateva🤣💛.


Silence was heard throughout the whole room. Zion wondered what was Amiyah gonna say to him. All she been doing is crying,  he wants to know what's the reason. How can he help her if she's not saying anything? It was low key pissing him off but he to eager to know what's up.

Zion stood at the foot of  Sevyn's bed watching Amiyah cry her eyes out. The awkwardness is written all over his face. He was in the mix of confused to why she was crying and laughter, her facial expression was getting to him. He stuck his left hand in his pocket while his right was rubbing the back of his neck,

"Soo you gone tell me what you need help with or what?"

Taking a deep breath Amiyah finally spoke,"I-I need you to help me leave this house. Without Sevyn finding out."

"What you mean?" Zion furred his eyebrows up, "You gotta go get something or-"

"I'm leaving for good and I don't want Sevyn to see me leave without her so please just tell her I love her and that I'm sorry." She stood up and started packing her purse, leaving Zion there confused

"Hold the fuck up." He paused, "You about to leave yo sister here? With no explanation or anything about your whereabouts?"

"She don't need to worry about where or why I'm leaving okay?!" She stressed, "You gone help me or not?"

Zion just looked at like she was crazy, he couldn't believe she's really about to leave her sister here without her knowing. He couldn't believe she's real life bout to hurt her sister feelings.  He felt like if she knew she wasn't gonna let Sevyn stay with her and be her guardian then she shouldn't had came all the way over here and play with her feelings like this. The way he seen Sevyn so happy to move with her made him happy, even though he was gonna miss her he knew this was what she wanted. He knew she wanted to live with Amiyah. He knew this wasn't right.

"Nah bruh, I cant help you with that. You gotta do that shit on yo own."

Before Amiyah could beg they heard footsteps coming towards the room. In came Sevyn trying to get the gift she brought Phoenix. Her and Phoenix decided to do their gift exchange now cause it was getting late and Phoenix's dad was coming to get her soon. Walking in the room Sevyn hummed lyrics to Gang Over Luv,

"All the homies, we came up the same way,and I swear ain't nothing change,way before I ever moved out the house and did the damn thing-"

She jumped while holding her chest by seeing them in the room,"Dang y'all scared the mess out of me." She laughed, "What y'all doing in here?" Looking at her sister and then bags on her bed she smiled, "You just now packing? I told you last night to pack so it can be easier for you when we get ready to leave."

Amiyah sigh "Sevyn I ne-"

"Who am I telling I still need to put my jewelry in my bag." Sevyn cut her off, she then went to the closet and grabbed the bags she came here with and put it on the bed. Making her way towards the nightstand she grabbed her jewelry and made her way back.

Zion and Amiyah both glanced at each other, Amiyah with sad eyes and Zion's filled with anger, "Tell her!" He mouthed, sighing Amiyah wiped her face

"U-Uhm Sevyn can I talk to you for a minute please?"

"Yeah wassup?" She said still packing up her bag

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