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A/N:Guys please pay attention to one specific thing!



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"Sevyn. We recounted this shit for two hours straight. The amount is not gonna change sis." Phoenix sighed in annoyance.

Sevyn stopped counting the money that was in her hands and looked up at her agitated friend. It was now reaching midnight and the teen girl's was up counting the money that Amiyah stoled from Janae.

When Sevyn made it up into the bedroom and revealed the money in the treasure box both Phoenix and Zion barged in thinking that they friend was about to harm herself again. When they only seen that Sevyn was looking in the box filled with money, they both came in and locked the door. They was sitting in silence for an hour straight, not saying one word to each other.

After some time not speaking Phoenix finally spoke and said that her and Zion both read the letter. Sevyn explained to her what Amiyah did and then they all sat in silence again. Both Zion and Phoenix tried persuading the teen girl to just see how much money was in the box. Not even on no grimy shit. They just genuinely wanted to see how much money Amiyah had stole from Janae. Eventually Sevyn decided to count how much money was in the box.

And when she found out how much was in the box. She recounted it over and over again for almost three hours. Sevyn was more angry that her sister not only stoled the money but she stole that much money from a crazy lady knowing that she didn't like Sevyn.

Sevyn looked at Phoenix more then a daze then mugging her. It was like she was looking at her but her sight was blurry and only thing she was thinking was,"I gotta give this back." She mumbled in a shaky voice

"Why the fuck would you do that Sevyn?" Phoenix questioned with confusion laced in her voice. This is what both Zion and Phoenix hated about Sevyn. She was to nice and worries about other people then herself.

Phoenix want her to keep the money for herself because she felt like she deserve it. After all the pain and hurt that Janae out her best friend through she just want her to be happy. And with this money she think that it'll make her happy.

Sevyn sighed in frustration, "Phoenix she stoled two hundred fifty thousand dollars!" She whispered yelled, "You think Janae is just gonna let me be free with quarter of a million dollars?! Fuck no! She's gonna want this shit back and probably more."

"How do you know that it was two hundred and fifty thousand dollars if you ain't count it?" Phoenix smirked, she was trying to lowkey talk Sevyn to keep the money but Sevyn was not trying to hear that

Sevyn chuckled while shaking her head, "Phoenix I'm not going to play dumb. I don't deserve this money, it's not mines and this money could possibly be dirty. It's stolen, and not mines. I didn't earn this so I don't want it."

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