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A/N:I fuckin love this song💛✨

"What's your goal once we graduate next year?" I asked

It was going on one o'clock in the morning and me and Zion was still out and about. We had just left this place called Candy Lane. It's a place her in Milwaukee where you drive around and see the Christmas lights and tonight was the last night so Sio. Wanted to take me. He said that this was my Christmas gift. Honestly I couldn't be more appreciative. It's a minute since I went to go see the lights, the last time I did something like this was when my dad was alive. So it was really nice reminiscing stuff like this and for Zion not even knowing just makes me more happy.

After we left there, we decided to go to get some pizza and wings from Pizza Hut.

Now we in the middle of Walmart parking lot, chillin. My feet was in Zion's lap as his hands was was rested on my leg. We sat eating our food and vibing to the music that was playing lowly in the speakers from my phone. Since I had the aux cord I decided to play some old music that Zion didn't want to hear but oh the fuck well.

Zion dipped his pizza in the ranch that was for the wings and shrugged, "Honestly I hope I get a full scholarship to play ball. Then make it to the NBA for a few years until I retire and settle down. Have like eight kids with my beautiful wife and then die."

Damn nigga eight?!

I laughed covering my mouth since I was eating, "Not dieee! You just said fuck traveling imma just die after I retire."

"Nah, nah, I wanna travel too but I just made a summery of how I think my life gonna be like." He laughed, "What is your goals after we graduate next year?"

Sighing I spoke,"I mean of  course I wanna go to college, an HBCU college at that. Ion know which one though. But I wanna go there to get my business degree and open up a few studios."

"What do you wanna open up?"

"Well my dreams is to open up a makeup, art, photography and a dance studio. But I know I won't be able to do that." I shrugged

"That's dope as hell that you wanna do that." Zion agreed with a whole bunch of ranch on the side of his mouth, "Why you think you won't be able to do it?"

I laughed grabbing a napkin that was in the bag, "First off you eat like a baby."I chuckled  while wiping the corner of his mouth

"Shit I mean I could be your baby but you playin games." He smirked

You damn right I am

"Anyways. And because honestly, ion really have faith in myself like I'm suppose to."

"Why don't you have faith?"

"Cause when you had grow up in a negative household and your mom crush your dreams saying you wouldn't be able to do certain things, you start believing that you won't become anything. And give up." Shaking my head I just thought about what Jane said to me when I told her my dreams.

She said I wouldn't be accountable to do anything even if I tried. Janae said I'll be just like her. Which is not the fuck true cause I'll be damned if I'm out here hoeing and fuckin for money and sniffing shit up my nose.

But it's the principle, you know? Like your supposed to be my mom and say your proud and happy that I want to do this. Not make me feel less and have my dreams crushed. Even though I knew Janae hated me, I still tried to have a bond with her and tell her my dreams then maybe we could've had a relationship.

But shit I thought. Janae looked me directly in my face and laughed and told me I would never be nothing and that I'll be beneath her.

I know it's not true but her words stuck to me, so I stopped believing in myself...it's whatever though.

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