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After my suicide attempt a few days ago I been to myself at school in the library

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After my suicide attempt a few days ago I been to myself at school in the library. Not like people was worried about me but I just been distancing myself from my classes. I get my work and go straight to the library. Well only one class I have to go in and that's Social Studies because Mrs.August want to actually watch us do the work. The school library be empty anyways so it's not like people will know where I'm at. But I was currently doing my English class work during our lunch time, with my earbuds in playing my 90's playlist. I was listening to "They Don't Know" By Jon B. I decided to skip lunch today so I can lose a few pounds and not over eat myself. Maybe if I skip a meal or two and only drink water I can lose this weight quick, fast and a hurry.

Zoning out everything around me, I started writing today's assignment which was "What causes racism?" and I instantly got to work. I love stuff that has to do about racism and history and about African American people. I like learning about histories and what happened before my time. But this specific writing prompt got me writing extremely fast because it's just an opinion kind of and what I think cause it. It's still crazy that til this day we're still going through this stuff. As I was writing I felt one of my earbuds getting pulled out of my ear again. Looking up I seen that it was Phoenix with Paris. Going back to my work I decided not to pay them any mind.

"Hey." Paris said lowly

I looked up and just did a slight head nod and went back to my work.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" Phoenix smiled


They both sat down at the table, while I just went back to my work. I expected for them to be quiet but nope, Paris started to go live on Facebook talking loud while munching on some hot puffs.

"I'm in the library with the new girl." She said reading her comments

"And Sevyn!" Phoenix said, catching, me off guard. I looked up with my eyebrows scrunched up. She smiled and looked back at Paris who looked scared

"Yeah and Sevyn." She chuckled , she read some more comments, "Who is Sevyn?" She read out loud "Her." She flipped her camera towards me smiling

"Can you please not put me on there?" I asked calmly. I don't like when people put me on their social media without me knowing, specially when I'm not looking my best. My outfit consisted of just an all black Champion sweat suit set with my all white Fila's. My hair was in a slick back bun and my daddy's old gold watch, which stopped telling time a long time ago.

"Yo chill, I'm just showing them who you are." She snapped

"But can you ask next time, please?"

"You don't gotta be rude about it!"

"How is she being rude? She asked you nicely. You can't just be putting people on your live and stuff without them knowing." Phoenix spoke up

"I'm just sayin, she was being rude about it. She could've asked a lil nicely. I ain't know she ain't wanna be on camera."

"Well that's why you ask sis."

"You trippin new girl." Paris laughed

"I'm sorry but I gotta name, Italy" Phoenix slightly smiled

I just looked back seeing them go back and forth. Paris rolled her eyes and went back to her live, she smacked her lips "She ain't hoe nothing, I'm finna go walk the halls." She said walking out the library. Now it was just me and Phoenix.

"How she's gonna get mad that you didn't want to be on her live?" She asked shaking her head going through her book bag, she pulled out a pack of Oreo cookies and a peanut butter jar, she took a big scoop of the peanut butter on her cookie and bit it. Her eyes was closed, smacking everything, when she looked up she looked like she was caught "Want some?"

I lightly chuckled "No thank you."

"You don't know what you missing out on sis! Best combination, I got it from this movie called-"

"The Parent Trap?" I asked cutting her off, all she could do was smile and eat another. I love that movie that's one of my favorite 2000's movie.

"Yeah, I used to love Linsey Lohan, you know before she went crazy and started doing drugs." She laughed "I always thought she was really a twin."

I just nodded my head and went back to my work

"You must like being by yourself."

"I mean.... you can say that." I shrugged

"I like you for some reason. You seem very down to earth and not like these other girls in this damn school. You know some ole ugly bitch tried me yesterday?!" She asked smacking on her cookie "Talkin bout I was in her seat, and that don't talk to her man. I'm like girl first of all ya name ain't labeled on this chair and desk, and secondly, ion even know who your man is but best believe imma take him from her."


"It's just a chair, she could've went to another one." I said, I hate when people try to test the new people in this school,like what's the point, so you can stand your ground of this school? Some people are stupid.

"That's what I'm sayin! I think she wanted to see if I was weak and get up so it looked like she hoed me in front of her friends, Tuh! Baby girl don't know me I'll throw the whole seat and desk in her face and sit back down like I ain't do anything." She chuckled

"Your crazy." I said shaking my head

"No I'm not crazy I just hate when people wanna act tuff in front of people, like they is not gonna remember you in the next year or two."

I just shook my head agreeing with her. She reminds me of my sister for some reason. Maybe because they both don't take shit from nobody.

"So why don't you have any friends you seem like a good person, read books and stuff."

"Uhm... ion know, I guess people don't give me a chance," I spoke truthfully. A lot of people say that because I'm fat I wouldn't fit into their "clicks" and that been going on since forever so I just started staying to myself. I also have a habit of talking to myself that's been going on since I was eight. After my dad died, I had nobody to talk to so I started talking to myself and holding a conversation with myself. It's basically like I'm talking to him spiritually he just won't respond.

"I'm giving you a chance." She smiled

"Yeah I guess you are." I smiled back, I don't know if I should be cautious or just go with the flow. She seems down to earth and her own leader. Maybe we should just see what the future hold for us.

The rest of the lunch period we talked, to know each other, listened to music. She's deadass my sister, when I'm around her. Phoenix has the goofiest and realest personality. And I like it. I think I just made my first friend?

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