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"LOVEEEE?!" Phoenix and Ke'Andre yelled as they dropped their forks

Here we are the next day at Chilli's. I had called them up to get out of the house because one it was beautiful day outside, two Zion big freaky ass tried to have sex again with me this morning. I would've been all for it but baybeh, my lady part needs a break. That nigga rearranged my guts. Why people in songs never say how sore your shit will be after you have sex? Baby girl down there needs a few, three months. Cause I can't deal.

Anyway, I just got off topic. I wanted to tell them what happen last night. Well, half of what happened. I'm not to big on talking about sex because I personally feel weirded out about it, so I skipped out that detail. I mean I think they noticed cause of how I limped up in here. But that's besides the point.

Ke'Andre spoke, "Did you say it back."

I shyly shook my head.

"Bitch what?!" Phoenix yelled, "What did you do?"

I covered my face in embarrassment, "I pretended like I was asleep."

"Oh bitch!" They dramatically said together

"I know y'all and I feel sooo, bad. But I got stuck, he said it so smoothly too like I-I don't know."

Phoenix dipped one of her chicken finger in some ranch, "Do you love him back?" She asked as she bit into it


"And don't lie bitch cause, I can see the lie roll off ya tongue now." Ke'Andre stated as he cut me off

"Honestly. Yes, I do love Zion. And it's not even me saying it cause he said it. I been fell in love Zion for like some months now." I spoke truthfully

"Oh my goodness." Phoenix mumbled, "I should've known."

"When did you started catching those types of feeling for my baby daddy?"

Laughing at Ke'Andre I shook my head, "I would have to say, I started falling in love with Zion, since Christmas. Phoenix remember me and Zion left for a long time at Christmas?"

"Yes, and you had my ass in that house with Laylah bitch ass. Ouoo I swear I almost choked that bitch. You know she tried goi-"

"Phoenix, let her explain how she started loving on my man." Ke'Andre cut her off while holding up his hand, he then turned and faced me, "Continue, mistress."

"It's the shade for me." I mumbled as I placed my hands on the table, "So we was out just chillin, to get out of the house, cause Laylah was there and he was mad. So we rode around. He happened to take me to see the Christmas lights at Candy Lane, cause I told him a while back that I went one time with my dad. So afterwards we just went to get pizza and stayed all night in the parking lot of Walmart, just chillin listening to music, you know all that stuff.

Our conversations was so random and so funny. It was just a vibe. So like towards the end he sits me on his lap and told me to close my eyes so he can give me my gifts. Y'all the gifs was boxes of sweatshirts that was Demetrius Sharmon's also known as MeechOnMars that one boy from vine, clothing line. You know his You Matter, line. This was when I was dead depressed as fuck." I chuckled as I wiped a tear,

"So I'm crying and stuff, telling him to take it back. He of course said no, and I just asked why? Like what made you get this. And I'll never forget, he looked me in my eyes and said,

"Cause when I seen those scars on your arms, it just didn't sit right with me. So that night I looked into some ideas for you to do so when you felt like you wanted to self harm again, we could do some coping skills together so you won't think about doing so."

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