¢нαρтєя 22|ƒαмιℓу мαттєяѕ ρт.2💛

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Sevyn 💛

I sat down in a chair and rested my elbow on the circular brown wooden table while my hand was balled up into a fist and rested it on my cheek. I watch my grandmother go to the stove and stir whatever she was making in the pot. She was humming and everything. What so funny is I do the same thing specially when I know it's about to be good. Once she was done stirring and adding her seasoning, she put the top onto the pot and came over and sat down, copying what I was doing which made me chuckle a little.

"I've missed you so much baby." She slowly shook her head

"I missed you too."

"How old are you now?"


"What?! Just the other day you was six years old singing Silly by Denice Williams fluently in the tub!

I couldn't do nothing but laugh, that was very true. I used to spend the night at Grandma Mae's house every weekend and she used to play old school music every time I come over, one song stuck to me which was Silly and I used to sing it to the top of my lungs in the bathtub. Grandma loved when I sung it, she say I have a nice voice but she just said that just to have something nice to say.

"There go that smile I missed." She spoke "You always had a beautiful smile, just like your daddy."

"How have you been Grandma?" I asked changing the subject. Only because it's such a emotional topic to talk about and even though it's been years I know my grandma is still grieving because she lost not one but two of her sons in the same day. One murdered and one killed themself. And plus I'm just not ready to talk about it.

She stared at each for a minute before speaking, "I've been good. Blessed and highly favored, Amen!" She chuckled raising her right hand up

"Amen." I chuckled "How is Grandpa James?" Grandpa James is not my blood grandaddy, he's Grandma a Mae's second husband, they got married in early 2000's.

My blood grandfather past away when my dad and his siblings was very young. I believe he had a heart attack in his sleep. Even though Grandma remarried she spoke highly and told me  beautiful stories about Grandpa Paul. He was in the U.S Air Force over twenty or thirty years.

Now on the other hand Grandpa James Greenleaf is a retired preacher. Early in 2009 he had retired cause he became ill. I don't know what the ill is but he's sick. Grandpa James is a very nice man. He always sneak me and Leon candy when grandma was occupied with the kids that wanted stuff from her candy store. He used to always want me to dance to old school Blues. My favorite song to dance with him with was The Thrill Is Gone by B.B King. We used to do the choo choo train dance, I called it that cause it was like our arms and was moving like the little rails that was attached on the wheels of the train. Kinda like what Tina Turner was doing in the song Proud Mary. The fact that I'm explaining it is hilarious!

Now that I think about it. I have a very old soul, because of them. Maybe this why ion listen to my day and age music. All I got to say is....I was raised right.

"He's fine, he's fine...You know a couple years ago he was very ill, but in late 2016 he lost his hearing."

"Oh no."

"Yeah, Papa is deaf baby." I could see the pain in her eyes, and now I wish I didn't bring it up! I'm so stupid!

"Well where is he now?"

"He's in the back room watching tv."

"Can I go back to see him?"

"Of course he'll be happy to see you baby,you remember my room don't you?"

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