¢нαρтєя 57| ι ѕнσυℓ∂'νє кησωη💛

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A/N: "I like em chocolate cocoa, coca, cocoa Cocoa Puffs", That shit been in my head all day😭🤦🏽‍♀️

"Did she whoop her ass?" Momma asked

"Ma, she did more then that. Sevyn knocked that girl tooth out."

"Goodie, for her." She said while sipping out of her mug

Adam, gave momma the side eye, "Really Apryl?"

"What? Laylah the one that started it. She went on Facebook and spoke false information about Sevyn situation that she had nothing to do with. She tried to humiliate Sevyn for what she went through, and tried to make fun of it in front of her social media friends. Pregnant or not your getting your ass whooped for talking about my business."

"She could've killed her baby."

"And Laylah could've not posted that mess up." She resorted back. Adam closed his mouth and shook his head, Momma sighed, "Look, what I'm sayin is that Laylah started the mess for a reaction from Sevyn. Sevyn retaliated with her fist. Was she wrong for fighting the girl pregnant. Yes, yes she was. But Laylah was also wrong for trying to start some drama while pregnant. What she thought Sevyn was gonna do? Suck her feelings in and turn the other cheek? Hell no, she whooped her ass. Hell of I was her age I would've did the same thing. A person can only take so much from someone until they pop off. And today was the day for Sevyn. You don't talk about nobody's personal business and their dead relatives, you just asking for an ass whooping."

"Periodt!" Zonnique yelled over FaceTime

I chuckled, "Shut up Nique-Nique."

"I will not. Momma speaking straight facts. I never like that hoe."

Momma shrugged her shoulders,"Me either. But it's whatever now. And if her momma got a problem with it, we can most definitely go to court."

"I know that's right."

We spoke to Nique Nique for a few more minutes, until she had to go cause the baby was crying. We heard the front door unlocked and In came Sevyn, who looked tired. Not even looking at the kitchen she was about to head upstairs, but momma stopped her.

"Well hello, Sevyn. I heard you whooped some ass today."

Sevyn chuckled, "Yeah I guess you can say that."

"Well I ain't mad at you. I know she was a bite in the ass to you. To bad she ain't got no front teeth to bite you in it nomo." Momma shaded, "Got that girl thalkin like thith, now."

"Oh my goodness, Ms.Apryl" Sevyn laughed while covering her face

"What you did. You whooped her ass, like a grown man. I bet that ass won!t talk about nobody again. They gone give her that "Sevyn treatment" and that's just on pot roast."

Adam shook his head, "And you work with kids."

"And do, who check me bout it? Nan body."

"Mmhmm. Wait til later." He whispered, well tried to momma giggled like a damn school girl. They kissed and deepened it right in front of us

"Uhm, not to interrupt y'all kissin session but we still here." I stated

"Boy y'all got feet get out the kitch-"

Momma was stopped by somebody yellin at the front door, "WHERE SHE AT?! WHERE THAT BITCH AT?!"

Incomes Zander stomping into the kitchen like a damn maniac. He searched the kitchen lookin at all of us, once his eyes landed on Sevyn this nigga did the impossible and grabbed her by her neck choking her while slamming her on the wall.

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