¢нαρтєя 20|∂ι∂ ι ѕαу ѕσмєтнιηg ωяσηg?💛

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"Girl you must want to help me cook thanksgiving dinner this year!" Ms. Apryl spoke while shoving a spoonful of greens into her mouth

We was all seated at the dinner table, eating our meal. The whole table was quite and all you could hear was their smacking. I mean not to toot my own horn but, I did throw down , throw down. The food was well seasoned, chicken was well cooked, corn bread was sweet as hell just how I like it and the Kool-Aid.  BOMB! Shout out to Zion. Anyways it's about me right now. Look how goodt my creation looks

(A/N: I know it says roasted just think of it as baked😂What's the difference?🤨)

(A/N: I know it says roasted just think of it as baked😂What's the difference?🤨)

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After dinner I cleaned the table off and started the water for the dishes. One thing you should know about me is that I love doing the dishes. I just love it, and I don't know why. Well maybe because my dad was a clean freak and he used to wash the dishes for like two hours and his water would still be hot! I don't know how he did it but he did it. But washing dishes somewhat calms me. If that makes any sense at all. I don't know maybe I'm just weird.

"Oh nah Kidd, I got the dishes. That's my job, if you cook I clean the dishes." Zion said putting his hands in my water, he quickly pulled his hands out the water "Damn! What temperature you got the water on Hell?!"

Don't laugh Sevyn, he's hurt!

"I am so sorry." I spoke trying to hold in my laugh

"And you think it's funny?!" He straight faced me

"And you think imma let you slide by cussing in my damn house Pookie!" Ms. Apryl stated walking into the kitchen

Nigga name Pookie! Okay I quit.

"But momma? Didn't you just curse though?"

Ouoo no he didn't

"Z- Boy get out my face!"

"Momma I was just pla-"

"Out my face Zion Amir Ross!" She pointed towards the stair case

"Yes ma'am." He softly spoke

Once he went upstairs, Ms.Apryl sigh and sat down on the island stool. She motioned me to sit in the stool next to her. I'm a little curious on what she wanted to talk about, because the whole time we was having dinner she just kept taking glances at me and covered it up with a smile. I hope she's not kicking me out. Well if is I would try to understand why. Oh lord I hope I didn't do anything she didn't like and now I gotta leave her house.

Okay calm down Sevyn! Ms. Apryl isn't like that she wouldn't just kick you out without having an explanation. I hope. I pray. Lord why am I like this?

Ms. Apryl cleared her throat which made me snap out of my thoughts. She paused for a minute I'm guessing trying to find the words,  "I spoke to your sister today."

I shifted into my seat, I hope Amiyah didn't say anything disrespectful towards her "Did you?" I asked, she nodded her head "What did she say?"

"Well she thanked me for bringing you into my home and treating you like your one of my kids." She smiled "Amiyah spoke very highly of you."

"Oh god, I hope she didn't say anything embarrassing." I covered my face up.

"Awwn no, she didn't say anything embarrassing. Just how happy she is that your no longer living with your mother anymore and that your safe."

Awwwn she care, fuck why am I getting emotional?!

Ms.Apryl smile slowly faded away "Your sister wants you to move with her to Atlanta. How do you feel about that?"

"I mean I feel good. I can go live with my sister and start a new life with her. She can be my legal guardian. Is that not good?" I asked curiously, it seemed like she wasn't happy for me and not happy that I found my sister.

"Yes it's really good Sevyn, but... don't you want to finish your junior year here then during the summer you go live with her?"

She does have a point, but I don't have anyone here in Milwaukee. No family or friends, there's literally nothing here for me "Ms. Apryl I think it's best for me to go live with my sister now, I mean there's nothing here for me anymore."

I can tell Ms.Apryl is hurt about my choice, but I want her to understand that I want to be with my sister. She shook her head and whispered a soft "Okay." Then got up and walked upstairs leaving me down here in my thoughts confused.

Did I say something wrong?

The rest of the evening I studied for my test that I was talking about and I have to take on Tuesday then I prepared myself for tomorrow, I got my clothes out, and my uniform out. Yes! I start back work tomorrow and I'm excited, not that I have to physically work but excited that I'm getting money and can pay for my phone bill.

I decided to call up Amiyah but she didn't answer so  I went and took a shower and listened to music, then I motorized my body and tried calling again before I went to bed. I went to sleep, with my sister on my mind and how fun it is going to be living with her on my mind.

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